An arrow like no other

453 11 18

Wild had decided to take the chain somewhere colder, to cool down from the previous area.

"Everyone has winter clothes, yes?" Wild asked, glancing back at the chain following him

"I don't have any suitable shirts.." Hyrule spoke up

"I think I have a undershirt that's too small for me" Time said, digging in his bag trying to find the shirt

After a little searching time handed Hyrule the shirt, softly smiling. "Thanks!" Hyrule stuffed the shirt in his bag and continued walking

The chain had stopped a few times to pick peppers and other materials, preparing for the chilly weather

"ITS COLDDD" Wind whined

"Yeah well, it's gonna get colder" sky said, rolling his eyes

"It's going to get colder?!" Wind gasped dramatically

"Duh! Suck it up island boy" Legend sighed loudly

"Will you please stop this bickering!" Twilight shouted, glaring at the two

Everyone was silent after that


Maybe 30 minutes later wild stopped in a clearing of the snowy woods, motioning everyone to set up camp

After everyone had set up their tents and other necessities they all settled near the fire that had been lit by Hyrule

Suddenly, a loud 'non-human' shriek was heard close by, alerting the chain

Wild had glanced over at the sound and spotted a nearby bokoblin camp

Wind unsheathed his sword "there's a bokoblin camp nearby, I think we should probably get rid of them" wind said, the chain all turning to him

"Ya think?" Legend scoffed and picked up his sword and walked over to wind, purposely bumping into him and scoffing

Wind glared at him and was about to walk over to him and bump him back until time held him away from legend.
"Don't let him get to you.." time let wind go, who just scoffed

The chain took a moment to think of a plan, trying to mush everyone's ideas into one

Eventually the plan was formed, Wild would sneak behind the archer, while Time would distract the others, Sky would kill the two by the fire, and the rest of the chain would hide, and only come out if backup was needed.

Everyone went into their places and watched as time threw a rock out onto the clearing, attracting a few bokoblins near the rock

Time then jumped out from the bushes he was hiding in, slicing two bokoblins heads clean off, once the rest noticed they started attacking

Sky had snuck up on the bokoblins by the fire and silently stabbed them both, then running over to help time with the others

Wild slowly crept towards the archer, who was aiming at sky.

Wild noticed the purple aura on the tip of the arrow, questioning the reason of the bright color


While wild was distracted on the arrow, he stepped on a stick, cracking it in two pieces. The archer diverted his attention to wild and squealed loudly, releasing the arrow into wilds shoulder

Four had watched wild get shot while the others were focused on sky and time

"Wild got shot! Go take out the archer, I'm going to check on him" four pulled his sword from under the bush and sprinted out, wind and warrior following shortly after him

Wild had stumbled backwards and tripped on a stone lodged into the ground, causing him to fall over, four and warrior attempting to catch him

"Wait why are you here?!" Four looked at warrior.

"The archer is under control.." warrior glanced at the archer who was being assaulted by a screaming wind

Wind was being catapulted by twilight onto the archer, once he got in range he stabbed the archer while screaming

"Ok, were both gonna help him I guess" four pulled wild up, who groaned and held his head in his hands

"Where does it hurt" warrior said loudly, attempting to block the yelling and squealing in the background. Also watching wind slam into the tree, and twilight laughing...

"Hmm.. let me think.. oh! MY SHOULDER!" Wild sarcastically shouted, pointing at his shoulder where the arrow was lodged in.

"Still sarcastic.." Sky said, jogging over, Time following behind him

"Can you stand?" Time asked wild, crouching down

Wild tried standing up but instead stumbled back over, being caught by Time.

"Hyrule is back at camp, he can take care of your shoulder" time pulled wild on his own shoulders and walked over, sky, wind, and twilight also following.

"I need help too.." wind grumbled, rubbing his face which was so rudely smashed into a tree by a certain someone.

"Your perfectly fine" Twi snickered

Hyrule had looked over near the oncoming footsteps and noticed wild on times shoulders and quickly pulled his bag over to his lap and set a small area up.

Hyrule laid a towel down for wild to sit on, so he wasn't cold on the snow.

Time set wild down next to Hyrule, who looked at his shoulder. "Gosh! That's a odd wound" Hyrule got a closer look but couldn't, as wilds shirt was covering the area.

"Your gonna have to take your shirt off so I can clean that" Hyrule said softly

Wild groaned and pulled his shirt off, attempting to not hit the arrow lodged in his shoulder. Which hurt like hell btw

Hyrule had slowly pulled the arrow out, earning a flinch from wild and a muffled 'ow'. He then proceeded to clean the arrea and bandage it.

"There! Good as new! I think... this arrow is sorta new though" Hyrule looked at the arrow and inspected it

"It's purple?.." Four held the arrow and looked at wild, who seemed to be in pain.

"Need anything?" Warrior asked wild

"Actually I'm sorta cold, got a blanket?" Wild asked, rubbing his shoulder and yawning

Warrior handed wild a blanket, who quickly fell asleep and started to snore softly

"Ok... who's cooking?" Sky asked, scared of the outcome

"I will" Twilight volunteered

"Yeah no, I'd rather starve to death than eat your cooking" wind scoffed

"Bye, gonna jump of a bridge" legend said, standing up

"Take me with you.." wind whined

Time made the two sit down after a session of death glares.


Thanks for reading this chapter so far! I'm sorry if you didn't see ur fav character here very often
I totally didn't forget four and warrior existed...

Every character will get some recognition throughout the story dw :)


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