Star filled sky

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The night was relatively quiet

Peaceful even

Expect wild

Wild had woken up in his own tent, sweating and tangled in the bedsheets, dried tears on his face

Everything was calm and peaceful, wilds harsh breathing and whimpering being an exception

He had noticed his tunic was off, he was only in his undershirt and shorts

Wild sat up slowly and looked around at the tent he was in, holding onto the bedsheets tightly, leaning over to the zipper nervously

He cautiously opened the zipper, trying not to make a single noise while doing so

Once wild had stepped outside he saw the his bright blue tunic hanging on a tree branch, along with someone's pants

Wild closed the zipper and looked around the camp, and also at the sky, trying to figure out the time

His guess was around midnight

Wilds curiosity had gotten the best of him and  decided to explore the camp and everyone's belongings, reaching for sky's bag first

He opened the satchel and immediately spotted something shiny, which he picked up and examined

It was a sword

Almost like his

Very much like his

Ok yeah it was his

But how?

Wild examined the sword closer, trying to find any difference from the master sword in his Hyrule

He held the sword closer, before hearing some sort of shuffling and quickly sheathing the sword back away

Wind had yawned before directing his attention towards the shuffling noise, which just so happened to be wild

Wild glanced back at wind, who just stared at him before getting up and walking over and sitting next to him

"Can't sleep huh?" Wind asked, rubbing his eyes

Wild just nodded

"I can't sleep either, I don't feel good to be honest" wind sighed

"s-ky" wild mumbled, looking up at the star filled sky

"Oh yeah, quite pretty huh?" wind laid down on his back with wild, gazing at the stars

Before the two knew it, they had fallen asleep on the ground

Yet another short chapter, sorry it was so uneventful

The next few chapters will be a little more action packed

Happy thanksgiving!


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