Fun sized wild

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Twilight had lit the fire under the pot and sprinkled in some salt, waiting for the water to simmer

"Please don't burn the water... again" wind begged

"Again??" Sky questioned, looking utterly confused

Everyone looked at twilight, who glanced away with a whistle

Twilight had pulled a strange looking fish from his bag and tossed it into the pot, stirring it with some sort of cheese and a pumpkin

After twilight had finished his 'food' he handed the bowls out, leaving one next to wild.

"Please don't poison our cook" four shoved wilds bowl away from him, watching as twilight groaned and shoved a spoonful of the concoction which was 'soup' into his mouth

"Hmmm.. it's alright, I don't feel like killing myself yet! Woah! Twilight didn't poison us!" Legend threw his hands into the air sarcastically

Twilight sighed, semi sarcastically
"It's called yeto soup" he smiled and watched as the chain hesitantly tried the food, immediately after a bite everyone was already done.

Twilight was proud that his cooking went well and there wasn't any fires, or food poisoning, he then went around to collect the dirty dishes.

"Hey I'm impressed! You all ate some food!" Twilight was quite happy with the results of his cooking

"Well we aren't dead so.." sky leaned back, resting on the tree behind him

"Yet.. we haven't died yet" legend let out a long groan and laid back on the fluffy blanket

"Does wild want any?" Time walked over to where wild was huddled under a blanket.

Time shook the blanket softly "wake up, twilight made actually good food" the blanket moved a little bit

A small mumbling noise came from wild before he continued sleeping

"Wild... get your lazy butt up" time shook wild again, who lazily sat up and yawned

The entire chain looked shocked, staring at wild, who was no longer an adult

Instead he was a small child

His scars still scattered along his face, but they seemed almost less severe, his hair was slightly shorted and his tunic loosely hugged his body.

"Holy red bokoblin.." wind looked at wild in pure confusion

"He's fun sized!" Warrior whispered to sky, who was silent from shock

Once wild regained his senses he rubbed his eyes quickly, noticing where he was

"w-who a-re u?" Wild asked, stuttering on his words, glancing around scared.

"It's ok, we won't hurt yo-" time was cut off by wild running away from the clearing, and out into the snowy woods.

"CRAP! GET HIM!" Time shouted, running after him through the woods


Wild had swung himself on top a tree and huddled near the branches, clinging to the trunk. Once he had heard footsteps he quickly scaled up the tree to the top and pressed against the scattered twigs, gasping for air.

Down below, twilight and four were shouting for his name, along with twilight trying to sniff his scent out


"This snow is throwing off his scent!" Twilight complained

"Aren't these his?" Sky held up wilds pants, which must have fallen off since they would most likely not fit his current shape

Twilight sniffed the trousers and walked around the forest floor, looking in every bush possible.

"Where is this kid! The stupid snow is gonna give him a cold if we don't find hi-" warriors rant was cut off by winds sneeze who then rubbed his nose

"Maybe we should go back, it's dark and freezing" sky rubbed his red cheeks, breathing into his hands and holding his face.

"Wild will come back to the camp, he hates cold weather so it's just a waiting game" Hyrule sighed, pulling his tunic onto four, who was shivering.

"Your right.. now let's go before we get hypothermia" legend jogged to the camp, time following

Twilight looked back, worried about wild and how he would handle the cold, his thoughts were soon interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

"He's gonna be ok, trust me" Hyrule shivered and smiled softly

"Maybe your right.." twilight sighed and walked ahead of the chain, quickly racing to the fire

Once the chain warmed up they decided to just sleep this whole event off, hoping it was just a bad nightmare they all shared.

But it in fact, was not.


Next chapter there's going to be separate POVs, I definitely forgot those existed and I don't wanna rewrite things 🫠

Sorry this chapter is so short, it was quite eventful and I definitely did not pay attention to details

Next chapter will be a little more chaotic but definitely longer :)


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