Chaos and chocolate

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Time held a cold damp towel against wilds forehead, warriors doing the same for wind, four, hyrule, and sky

"Anyone else?" Time glanced around

Twi was trying his best not to colapse and die at this point and sat against a tree, throwing dirt at legend, who was tied up

Twi shook his head and continued to attack legend with dirt

"Me! My tummy hurts!" Legend shouted

"I hope it does" Time said, before turning to hyrule

"Hey rulie, don't you have anything for fevers? Like a potion or something?" Warriors asked

"Oh yeah!" Hyrule slowly got up and dug through his bag, revealing bottles of potions

"Here" Hyrule handed a maroon colored potion to everyone on the log, excluding time and warriors

Sky sniffed the potion and gagged, closing his nose and swallowing it

"THIS SMELLS LIKE SPOILED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR" Wind gagged and spat on the ground

(If anyone here likes apple cider vinegar, I will assume your not real or have Covid)

Four threw the bottle to the ground, which somehow didn't break

"Don't do that, it may break next time!" Hyrule shouted

Wild covered his mouth

"I-I think I just threw up in my m-mouth.." Wild pushed the bottle away

Hyrule covered his nose and downed the potion, wiping his mouth after

"Come on! It's not that bad" Sky attempted in persuading them

"You try twi!" Hyrule handed a bottle to twi

"Suddenly I don't feel sick anymore! It seems the presence of the bottle has cured me!" Twi got up and ran into his tent

"Big baby" Sky sighed

"You three aren't moving until you drink the potion" Time picked the three up by the collar of their tunics and set them down infront of a tree, loosely tying them to it with a rope

"RACIST" Wind shouted


"I-I HATE YOU" Wild screamed

"Strong words there" Time sat down on the log, talking to warriors

Wild huffed and turned away

"Wild, can you untie the rope? We can't" Four and wind whispered to wild

Wild nodded and bit the rope in half

"Holy guacamole" Four jumped up quickly yet sneakily

"HEY!" Legend whisper yelled

"What now dingus" Four creeped over

"If you release me, I'll give you each a piece of chocolate" Legend patted his pocket

"Fine, but your on your own" Wind untied the knot and waited as legend distributed the chocolate

"Thanks!" Legend disappeared into the woods

Four walked away, before stepping on a branch

"What's that?" Sky asked, peaking around

"Bird probably.. anyway" Time continued

"Idiot!" Wind whacked four on the head

Wind and four ran into the woods, after looking for twigs

Wild climbed up into a tree and followed along with them from above, keeping watch

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