What would wild do

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It was the next morning, the sun peaked over the horizon and everything seemed calm

But the chain wasn't

                                   Twilights POV

Everyone seemed peaceful and calm, how could they all be so calm in this time??
Wild had gone missing in a cold unknown area and hadn't shown up!

Everyone's under reacting..
He's even our cook! What are we going to do without him!

My rant was soon disturbed by sky, who looked quite worried.

Finally... someone who actually cares for wild

"He hasn't showed up... wanna go look for him?" Sky asked

"Sure, let's actually change into snow appropriate clothes first though" I say and walk into my tent, tying my boots and pulling an extra layer of clothes over me

A few minutes later we told four to let the rest of the chain know we would be gone, he promised to tell the others once they woke up.

"Ok think... where would wild hide?" Sky asked glancing around different spots

"Oh! Trees! He likes climbing things... so look in trees!" I shouted out, immediately running over to different tall trees and looking up, sky doing the same as me

All the smaller trees had nothing in them, or at least looked like they didn't.

"What would wild do.." I heard sky mumble

I came over to a taller tree and sniffed the trunk, quickly getting ahold of his scent, calling sky over to look at the tree.

3rd person POV

Wild had still been sleeping when Twi and sky had come over to the trees trunk, but woke up once sky had shouted something

Wild had looked down on the two and noticed they were staring right back at him, also now realizing how high he was right now

"He's right there!" Sky shouted, pointing at wild

"He's so high up! How are we gonna get him do-"
Twilight was interrupted by a branch above breaking, and a small wild climbing down the tree

"That was easy" Twilight whispered, sky nodding

"We won't hurt you, please just come with us!" Sky begged wild, who sat a mere 4 feet above them

"We will feed you!" Twilight shouted, getting wilds attention immediately

Wild nervously and slowly came down from the tree and backed away from the two once he was on the ground

"Ill explain who I am once you come to camp with me" twilight said, leaving his hand out for wild to hold

Wild didn't hold twilights hand and instead walked alone, sneezing a few times

Wild wobbled around a little, he almost seemed like he hadn't slept in years.

Twilight had decided to help and motioned for sky to put him on his back

Twilight slowly picked wild up and lifted him on his back, with help from sky

Once they arrived at camp, almost everyone was waiting (not) patiently

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