Sunburns.. and hair removal?

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Wild sat under a tree watching wind and sky lay in the sun, desperately wanting to go with them, but he wasn't allowed to do so


Wild fell asleep in the sun and got a bad sunburn and was basically a tomato

At least that's what legend said

Four sighed and sat next to wild, four also had a mild sunburn on his shoulders

"Is this the sunburn spot? Bc I'm joining in" Hyrule scooted in next to wild, who just nodded and winced as he brushed against the tree

"What happened to you?" Four asked hyrule

"I don't even know, I guess I burn easily. I was outside without sunscreen to talk to time and suddenly I'm all red" Hyrule shrugged, tugging slightly on his tunic to show his bright red shoulders and neck

"Yikes" Four said

"Yikes is right, at least I'm not like wild" Hyrule chuckled

Wild hit hyrules shoulder

"OWWWW OW OW!" Hyrule scooted away

"I saw that! Was it really necessary?" Twi yelled

"V-very much!" Wild yelled back

Twi sighed and went back to the fire pit

Wild huffed and turned to four

"W-what happened to you?" Wild asked

"Had a picnic outside with wind, was sitting in the sun and didn't even realize" Four signed

"S-sorry" Wild said, he reached his hand out to pat fours shoulder but stopped himself after taking a second to realize

"Thanks, you know what we should do? Prank wind." Four smiled

"Oh yeah" wild grinned

"Ok so, how about we replace his sunscreen with hair removal spray?" Four smiled again

(don't put that nur in my hur)

"P-perfect" Wild grinned, getting up and stealing warriors hat and cardigan

"I think I know how to make it" four said

"H-how" Wild asked

"Leaves and stuff" Four shrugged

"W-where the heck are we gonna get 'p..pota.assuim..." Wild mumbled

"Potassium thioglycolate and calcium hydroxide?" Four asked

"Yeah" Wild nodded

"I have my ways" Four ran into the woods, signaling Wild to follow

"W-WAIT!" Wild ran after four


"Where the hell is my sun hat and cardigan??" Warriors asked time

"I dunno" time shrugged


Wild and four snuck into fours tent with the jar

"No spilling, we had to beat up a kid for this" four said

"W-WE GAVE HER 2 BUCKS FOR IT" Wild corrected loudly

"Shhh!!" Four said

"I've seen some kid sell 10 jars of this stuff for 50k!" Four said quietly

"Who's paying 50k f-for that? Who's paying 50k for anything in general?" Wild asked


"Dunno, just be lucky we got a deal" four smiled

"You k-knocked her mom out" wild glared at four

"She fell asleep!" Four scoffed

Wild sighed and handed four winds sunscreen can, emptying it out into a separate jar, trying not to touch or spill it

"Be careful" four poured the mixture into the can and shook it around

"Perfect" Four handed Wild the 'sunscreen' can and pointed to the tent door

"Shh!" Four said, Wild getting out and sneaking away

Wild skipped over to wind and tapped his shoulder

"Y-your legs are kinda sunburnt, I put sunscreen on ok?" Wild sprayed the 'sunscreen' on winds legs

"Oh thanks, shouldn't you be out of the sun?" Wind asked

"I have hat" Wild rubbed in the 'sunscreen' and walked away

"Now we wait" Four went outside and sat in the shade with Wild, watching wind

Wind got up and yawned, itching his legs and pausing

Winds legs were smooth and soft, to his surprise


Time and twi burst into laughter

Hyrule, warriors, sky, and legend giggled silently

"THIS ISNT FUNNY!!" Wind got up and looked around for the culprit

Wind whipped his head around to stare at wild

"YOU!" Wind ran at wild and tackled him to the ground

Wild hit him with a tree branch

"B-BAD DOG!!" Wild kicked wind

"Should we call animal control?" Four asked sky

"They're just playing!" Sky snickered

"Sure..." Four watched as wind held wild in the air screaming, Wild kicked him in the face and ran into the woods, wind shortly following

"They'll be back by nighttime" Time said

"I don't believe that" Sky said

Hey! Sorry for making yall wait for a while, I had testing which went surprisingly well.

So here's a life update I guess:

I beat Totk finally, definitely didn't cry my eyes out (I've had totk since may 12th, I've been adventurin, no time for demon man)

Very late one year anniversary of me joining this hell hole! 

Question: What's your favorite animated series on YouTube? I need some recommendations my fyp is boring


(Sorry for such a short chapter, I just needed to get one out)


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