Its always the short ones

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Sky and hyrule sat on a log, watching the same spot in the trees where wind, wild, and four had ran into

"It's getting pretty dark..." Legend sat next to the two

"If they don't come back soon, who's gonna cook for us?" Twi asked

"I can!" Legend said

"Absolutely not" Time glared at legend

"Let's not relive that trauma" Hyrule sighed

"Aw man" Legend groaned

"I say in one hour we look for them" Twi said

Twi glanced at the woods and huffed

"It's always them running off, I swear it's always the short ones" Time sighed

"The disrespect!" Warriors said in a fake upset voice

"Wild technically isn't short, he's just currently fun sized" Hyrule smiled

"Speaking of fun sized wild, do you think he'll ever get taller or grow up?" Twi asked

"I mean, he's gotten better at speaking and grown a little taller so I don't know.." Time shrugged

"I'm not waiting 15 years for this dude to spell correctly" Warriors said

"He can spell! Kinda" Sky said

"He spelled monster as mystrr" Warriors said

"With 2 backwards r's" Time sighed

"But seriously, how are we going to get wild.. older?" Sky twisted his fingers in his hair

"Yeah, I'd prefer him back to his old self, I'm sure he would too." Time nodded

The chain continued to talk as a small trail of smoke peaked from the woods into the skies above, getting times attention

"There's smoke in the woods! Follow it!" Sky jumped up and ran into the woods, twi and hyrule following close behind him

"HEY!!" Legend yelled

"DONT LEAVE US!!" Time yelled

"They just did" warriors sighed


Wild huffed and smacked wind away with a tree branch

"B-BACK YOU FIEND" Wild fell over and kicked his legs around, trying to hit wind with the branch as well

"GRRAHHH" Wind stomped on Wild, getting whacked with the same stick

Four sat behind Wild and watched the two fight, eating berries he had snatched from wilds pocket

"Wait... where are we?" Four said, getting up and pulling Wild out from under wind

"Tree" Wild nodded

"Duh" Wind rolled his eyes

The three stopped and sat up, looking around and trying to remember where they came from

"Again?" Wind asked, grabbing a stick and poking wild with it

"Yup" Wild winced and smacked the stick away

"It's always us! Never sky or twi, always us getting lost!" Four snapped a tree branch in half

"S-start a fire! Smoke go up and they see" Wild somehow took a pile of wood from his back pocket and set it on the ground

"How..." Wind stared at the pile of wood

Wild took a fire arrow and shot it at the wood, letting it catch fire

Four and wind jumped back

"No warning?" Four asked

"Warning" Wild set his hands on his hips

Four and wind groaned and huddled around the fire, watching the sky dim even more

"I'm not sleeping out here" Wind said

"Too bad" Four took off his tunics outer layer and set in on the ground

Wind groaned and scooted closer to four, trying to not be on the itchy grass

"No room for m-me? Wowww" Wild scoffed and sat on the other side of the two

"Wow wind, wow" Four set his hands on his hips

"Hey!! I just want to be warm!" Wind pouted

"Wilds in an oversized shirt and some shorts, you think he's warm?" Four asked, pointing to wilds shirt which draped down to his knees and covered his shorts

"But-" Wind was shushed by Four

Wild stomped over and sat on top of wind

"HEY!" Wind grunted as he tried pushing off wild

"Wild, get off" Four said

"Y-you are not my mom!" Wild said angrily

"You don't even have a mom" Four sighed

"Neither do you, we're the same person" Wild said

"He's not wrong" wind shrugged

Wild fell backwards, leaning his head on the grass and his body on winds

"Is he just going to fall asleep like that??" Four asked

"Probably" wind shrugged and turned back onto four and leaned his head onto his stomach

"Oh so I'm a pillow now?" Four whispered to himself, grunting as he turned slightly

The three fell asleep, looking like a failed game of twister as they were all on top of each other

Suddenly, wind woke up to a rustling sound from the bushes behind them, he shook wild and four awake

The two confused links stared at wind, before noticing the rustling behind them as well

"Hide" Four whispered loudly, wild climbing up into a tree and wind ducking behind the exact same tree

Four took out a branch and stared at the bushes

To everyone's surprise, the rest of the chain excluding legend was in the bushes, staring at four

"What?.." Four broke the silence

Thanks to everyone who has been so so patient!! I'm so sorry these chapters have been taking such a long time to come out, I've been so busy with vacations, end of year exams, etc.

I'll try to keep posting more this summer, yet I can't guarantee anything

Also thanks to everyone who reads and comments on my story! I can't believe I only started in November and have nearly 3.5k reads! I love reading your comments and seeing your reads!


Thanks to you more people can now witness this eyesore of a story

Have an amazing summer!!!!


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