Wait... wasnt it hot yesterday?

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Wild woke up to a wind banging on his tent, shouting something

Clearly everyone else had been awoken by the same thing, hence the fact you could hear muffled groans from the insides of tents

Wild groaned and sat up, listening to the unzipping of times tent next to his

"WHAT, WIND ITS COLD AS BALLS" Times muffled shouts concerned wild

Wild took a step out of his tent, before quickly shrinking back inside

"WHY" Sky shouted, wild had seen him quickly grab a blanket

"Are you sure you didn't sprinkle crack everywhere? Or is that snow" Legend said

Wild ran from his tent and quickly bundled up with sky

Sky picked wild up and wrapped him with his blanket


"Yall are just overreacting, I'm actually kinda hot" Wind shrugged

"He's on drugs" Four commented, everyone nodding their heads yes

"What? Yall need to chill" wind rolled his eyes

"Oh we're chill alright" Warriors crossed his arms

"I'm gonna get frostbite" legend rubbed his hands together

"I actually wouldn't mind that" Twi and time said in sync

"Jinx" Twi snickered and pointed at time

Time just pouted

"Fine, Time, Time... T..." Four paused before saying the rest of his sentence

"T.. Treason" Four smiled

Time grabbed four by his shirt and hung the back of his tunic on a tree branch

"WAIT NO IM SORRY" Four kicked his legs around whining

"Womp womp" Legend shrugged and threw an acorn at four

Time walked over to wild, trying to get him to say his name

Wild slowly got the idea and nodded

"Tihme, Tuh.. Time, Time" Wild said

"Does that even count? Wild can't speak correctly any way, so it's not even said correctly" legend huffed

"Hey!" Wild crossed his arms, slightly slipping off sky

Sky picked wild back up and shrugged at legend

"Time Time Time, see? Easy." Warriors nudged legend

"Thanks warriors, legend I hope you step in poop" Time shook warriors hand

Legend scowled

"Dang your hands cold" Warriors winced at times cold hand

"Huh... I wonder why" time snickered

"GUYS" Four kicked around some more

Wild looked back and pushed away from sky

"What are you doing?" Sky asked, wild jumping down and running over to four

Wild rolled a stump over and let four stand on it, so he could unhook his tunic off the branch

"Thanks wild!" Four ran over to time and shoved him, making time sway slightly

"Oh you messed up" wind smiled, watching from afar

Time picked up four and threw him into the snow

Wild snickered, rubbing his hands together and breathing into them

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