Dirt war

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Wild had woken up before everyone else, which was fairly new

He rubbed his eyes before his attention was focused on the note pad from last night, looking away quickly

Wild sighed and got up, stretching, then opening the tent and getting out

It was quite warm outside, a big difference from the earlier camp spot

Wild took an apple off a nearby tree and ate it, getting bored he threw the core at winds tent

Shuffling noises could be heard inside, along with groaning

Wild snickered and hid in a tree

He watched as wind came out, very clearly upset

Wild covered his mouth to stop from laughing, unfortunately that did not work and wind noticed him

"IM GONNA THROW DIRT AT YOU!" Wind took a handful of dirt and tossed it, it did nothing but crumble to the ground

Wind scoffed and took another handful, emptying it into wilds tent

Wild gasped and jumped down, grabbing winds hair and rubbing dirt on it

"THIS MEANS DIRT WAR" wind took a bottle of water and wet the ground, making mud and throwing it at wild

Wild took a handful and shoved it on winds back, to which wind smacked off and rubbed in wilds hair

Wild took the pot lid and used it as a shield, throwing mud at wind every so often

His shot missed wind and instead hit fours tent

Four groaned and got out, only for his face to be met with mud

"why you little-" four took some mud and threw it  at wind

Wind yelped and threw more mud at four, before wild shoved some down his shirt

Sky woke up from the commotion and peeked out, noticing the dirt war

"GUYS!" Sky yelled, causing wild, wind, and four to pause

"Without me? Seriously?" Sky snickered, before hitting four with mud

Four smiled and ran over to sky whispering something

Four hopped on skys back and threw mud down at wind and wild

"WILD WE GOTTA TEAM UP" wind yelled, huddling behind wilds shield

Wild nodded and climbed up on winds shoulders,  now at skys height

Wild grabbed skys tunic and shoved dirt inside the top layer

"IM SUING YOU" Sky yelled

"SKY YOU'RE BROKE" Four yelled, dodging the mud thrown

"DARN IT" Sky yelled, crouching down, attempting to dodge the mud as well

Wild was at an advantage, sky was now crouching, so his hair was at his height

"I-IM GONN MAKE YOU A B.. BRUN- BRUNETTE" Wild yelled, rubbing mud into skys hair

"I THOUGHT I ALREADY AM" sky said, four just snickering

"Nah, your more of a crusty blonde" four shoved mud into skys hair

"TRAITOR" Sky pushed four off his shoulders and threw mud at him

"ATTACK THE TALL!" Wind shouted, wild hopping off his shoulders and throwing mud at sky

Wind threw a handful of mud, which hit twi who had just woken up

"how." Twi stared in awe at the mess, more importantly the fact they cleaned off yesterday

"Yes" wild nodded, before making a run for it, shortly followed by wind and four

"GET THEM!" Twi yelled, warriors, who had also just woke up grabbed wild and wind, four managed to escape

"HAHAHAHA-" Fours victory was soon cut short by sky

"TRAITOR" Four frowned

Twi sighed and took wild and wind from warrior

"Y'all are filthy" Time sighed, stretching

"I wonder why" wind said sarcastically, rubbing his hands on Twi

"Ew" twi groaned and carried the two to the creek, time carrying four

Time threw four into the creek, earning a scream which was quickly muffled by the water

Twi dropped the two into the water, their squeals muffled

"Now be clean you animals" time sighed

Wind dragged four underwater, wild cheered wind on

"NO! NO DROWNING" Time yelled at wind, who just glared at him

"You know what, never mind four, go ahead and drown wind" Twi said, four whooping and grabbing wind

Wild aggressively rubbed his long hair under the water

Sky had snuck up on twi, mud in his hands

Wild whacked wind and four, getting their attention on twi and sky

Four snickered as sky shoved the mud down the back of twis shirt

Sky cannon balled into the water, shortly followed by twi

"LET ME AT HIM" Twi yelled, sky swimming away

"Please no" time groaned, throwing a rock at Twi

Hi there

Happy 2024!
I cannot do another year :)

Thank you all so much for the reads! I'm so excited to see how far this book goes

(I wrote the word 'mud' 15 times, just thought that was important)


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