Why wont this hairdye come out?

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Since the entire chain had blue and purple stained hair, it was decided to wash off in a nearby creek

Everyone's stuff was scattered around tree trunks and nearby bushes, a few things hanging on branches, including shirts.

Wind was the first person in the water, he jumped from a tree hanging above the water and cannonballed, barley scraping his foot on the rocks

(The water is around 4 feet deep in the middle)

Four pushed legend in, and on reflex legend grabbed four and they both fell in

Sky slowly got in, getting occasionally splashed by hyrule and warriors

Twi and time eventually got in after Twi got stuck in his tunic

Wild sat from the side, watching everyone attempt to clean out the stains in their hair

"Wild! Get in here! It's not even that bad!" Wind yelled, splashing wild

Wild just backed away and shook his head

Time sighed and got out, walking over to wild

"Why don't you wanna get in? It's not cold I promise" time asked, sitting down next to wild

"p-promis?" Wild looked up at time

"Promise" time held out his pinky, wild tapped his finger and smiled softly

Wild got closer near the water, before being stopped by twi

"Don't ya wanna take off your shirt?" Twi asked, eyeing wilds tunic

"You don't have to, it's just more of a hassle to dry, and if you don't wanna dry it, it's gonna be drenched" Hyrule spoke up, before shoving legend back under water

"AHSHSHEÆUG-" Legend dragged Hyrule down with him, splashing wild

Wild looked at his shirt and hesitantly took it off

His scars were still there from before, yet they looked almost less severe, like the ones on his face.

This was quite a surprise to a few members of the chain, since only a few people had seen wilds scars

"Woah" wind muttered out, pausing his assault on warriors

"It's rude to stare" twi shoved wind under the water

"How did you get those?" Warriors asked

"Boom." Wild said flatly, before going under water and cleaning his hair

"That makes no sense" warriors sighed, turning to Twi

"He means guardians" Twi said, squeezing the water out of his hair, stepping out from the creek

"What are those?" Sky asked

"Big scary laser robots, that are quite impossible to kill" time cut in

"Are they easy to see?" Hyrule asked

"I guess so, they're pretty common" Twi said

"Then why haven't we seen any?" Warrior popped up

"They aren't usually in forests, more in plains" time said

"I wanna see one!" Four waded over

"n-no you don't" wild swam over

The chain looked over at wild, who went back underwater

"New topic, where's wind?" Time asked

Wild pointed over to a tree, wind was attempting to climb the branches, before slipping and tumbling back into the water

"That's wind for ya" Hyrule sighed

"WHY WONT THESE STUPID STAINS COME OUT" Sky screamed, aggressively rubbing his still stained hair

"I forgot about these" warrior glanced up at his stained hair

"Uh oh" time worriedly said, while rubbing his hair under water

"UH OH" Time continued to rub his hair, the stains in fact would not come out

The chain in a panic scrubbed their hair in water

No results were made

And everyone had tinted blue/purple hair

Wind and wild were put in time out

"THIS ISNT FAIR" wind shouted

"YOU STARTED THIS" Hyrule yelled

Wind turned back and pouted

Wild leaned over to wind and whispered in his ear

"c-climb tree" wild leaned back and nodded

Wind smiled and nodded

Once no one was looking, wind climbed up the tree, using wild as a step stool

Wild swung himself up once wind was at the top

Wind and wild snickered before climbing into a different tree

"WHERE ARE THOSE DANG KIDS" Sky yelled, the entire chain looking at the spot wild and wind once were

"I swear to god-" time sighed before getting up and checking the area

Wind and wild laughed quietly, watching the chain below them search

Legend noticed the two, yet he stayed quiet

He picked up a pince cone and threw it at wind, wild shuffled back as wind yelled before hitting the ground

"HA!" Legend shouted in triumph

"That's one way to get em" Twi walked over with time following behind him

"I'll get the other one" time sighed before reaching up and dragging wild down from the tree

Wild proceeded to kick time in the face 'accidentally'

Time yanked wild from the tree and let him hit the ground

"OW" wild shouted before slamming into the ground

"Ok is that everyone?" Warriors walked over to the group

"Yup" sky sighed

The group took all of their stuff and decided to settle somewhere close to the creek

"Wind and wild help us set up" Time turned to the two

"But we're sick" wind complained

"Apparently not sick enough to climb trees" Twi cut in, shoving some materials towards wind

Wind glared at Twi before getting up and setting up his tent

"You to wild" time shook wild slightly, who was tucked in a towel

Wild poked his head out and sighed, a small bruise on his cheek from the fall

"Remember how to set up a tent?" Time asked, wild nodded his head slowly

Wild pulled his hair up into a towel and went over to set his tent up

Which he was successful with

Wind on the other hand, wasn't


"WELL THATS TO DAM BAD" legend shouted

Ah yes, references

Im sorry this took so long to publish!
I was busy these weeks with being sick and school

I also caved and finally updated to ios17 so there should be less errors.. or more

Life update: mourning over the fact Totk didn't win goty 🥲


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