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The chain had woken up to a wonderful surprise

Wind and wild were sick

The two were fast asleep on the ground by the dimly lit fire, bundled in blankets

Since twilight had woken up before everyone else he was the first to notice the two

Twi had bent down to pick them up and move them back into their tents when he felt how awfully warm they were, putting his hand on their foreheads

He had correctly guessed they were sick

Hyrule woke up a little later, well Twi woke him up to see wild and wind, who had un-willingly been woken up by Twi as well

Hyrule had lazily thrown on his tunic and made his way over to wind and wild, who were bickering about sharing a blanket

"So, Twi said your sick. Any symptoms?" Hyrule asked, sitting down in front of the two and brushing the dirt off his tunic

"My throat hurts, and I'm hot" wind said, winking

"Wild?" Hyrule asked

Wild pointed to his throat and his forehead, trying to signal he had nearly the same symptoms as wind

"Same thing as wind?" Hyrule quickly caught on

Wild just nodded his head

Hyrule sighed a little and got up to go get some water for the two

Once Hyrule was back with the water he set the cups next to wind and wild, who drank the cups quite fast


After everyone had woken up, they had all decided to move somewhere warmer

Tents were packed away and other necessities

Also, time had shown wild some pants that wind had grown out of, and his now dried tunic

Wild denied the pants and stuck with his shorts and oversized tunic

Once the chain had fully packed up they headed out west, where the weather was supposedly warmer

Wild was on twis shoulder, wind was on times, pulling his hair and braiding it

"Wind please stop pulling my hair" time scowled and turned back to glare at wind, who whistled and looked away

"If that's what you want.." wind said, reaching up to a tree above and grabbing some berries from the branches

Wind smeared the berries on times hair, leaving a purple mark on his blonde hair

Wild looked over, which wind noticed and held a finger on his mouth, signaling him to be quiet

Wild just snickered and turned away

After maybe 20 minutes sky had pointed out that the back of times hair was different shades of purple and blue

Wind was no longer aloud on times back. 

Wild had caught on with the idea and took a few berries from the trees above him and smushed them, softly painting twis hair

Since twis hair was darker than times, it was harder to see but definitely visible

Wild had accidentally yanked on twis hair, Twi spinning around caused all the berries on his shoulders to fall off, which legend noticed

"Twi your hair is purple!" Legend snickered, pointing out the poorly done 'hair dye'

"Wild hand me some berries please" Twi whispered to wild

Wild handed some over to Twi, who smushed them all in legends hair

"Look who's purple now" twilight laughed

Wild proceeded to hand out berries to sky, warrior, and time

Not even 10 minutes later, most of the chain now had blotchy purple spots in their hair

Excluding wild

Legend had a few berries in his hands, after he stole some from warrior

Legend snuck behind wild and crushed the berries in his hands, painting wilds long hair

A little later, legend walked back, admiring his work

Wilds what used to be blonde hair was now blue

"Your blue now wild!" Legend laughed, softly tugging on wilds now blue hair

Wild looked at the faded blue stain on his hair, grabbing a stick from a tree and throwing it at legend

"Dude!" Legend scoffed

Sorry this chapters so short, there wasn't much going on so I couldn't add much detail


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