Notes from another time

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Once the chain had finished setting up their tents, food was almost done

Wild watched as the ingredients he threw in earlier simmered into a amazing smelling soup

Wild brought out some bowls and utensils, serving equal portions of the soup into bowls and handing them out

"Hey! How come my soup has less?" Legend shouted

Wild grabbed the spoon, taking a scoop from the pot and walked over to legend, angrily dropping the extra soup into his bowl

"You spilled some on me!" Legend rubbed the small spot on his tunic

"Legend shut up" Twi yelled across from him


Everyone had gone to their tents after dinner was finished

Wild sat in his tent, staring at his bag he used when he was 'older'

He got up and took the bag, opening its contents and pulling a note pad and pencil out

Wild held the note pad in his hands, before flipping to the first page

A paragraph he had written when he was older, when he first met up with the chain

Update 1

Found this cool little notepad in hateno, it's proven useful on my journeys

I've also recently found a small camp of hylians, or I would assume they are hylians

They have the pointy ears, yet I've never seen them before

Considering how I traveled across Hyrule, I thought I would have seen them before


I'm thinking on approaching them, or just let them find me

Bet they'll be so shocked im the hylian champion, huh?

They do look awfully familiar though.

I just can't seem to figure it out 

The writing ended on the bottom of the page, wild flipped to the next page

More writing

Update 2

I was just exploring the woods around their camp when the small one noticed me!

He ran away, and reported my presence to the taller ones


And then, get this

They kidnap me!

Or I guess kidnap

But the next thing I know, I'm tied to a freaking tree, being questioned like I owe them rupees

They eventually let me go, but one stupid question makes me think

Who are they

I asked them who they are, they responded with "Link"

Weird, I know

Aren't I link?

Maybe I'm secretly named Jessica, maybe im the fraud!

But Zelda called me "link" so they must be the frauds

I'll update ya later

Wild snickered at the confusion he had must gone through, flipping to the next page

The page had a smaller paragraph, yet it was still an update

Update 3

I'm way to busy to update this

I'll try though

Ok let's begin

So I asked the people why we had the same name, and they all were like "oh my goodness he's one of us!" And I'm all like "girl what"

So apparently they are me from another timeline??

I was short, dang

And apparently brunette?

But it's safe to say, my clothing style has changed for the better

It's been a while since that though, I'm now warming up to them
That twilight dude seems nice, almost like I know him

Yeah, I'm going crazy

Wild skipped to the last page, reading it

Update 7

Every one seems super chill, it's because I'm amazing

Just joking

Wow self doubt got me there

Maybe they only like me because I can actually cook

They suck at cooking!

If they're me from another life, shouldn't they be good at cooking?

I'll never know

We all decided to move somewhere colder tomorrow, hence the fact this place is burning my face off

Wind and legend are sunburnt as well, haha

Legends face matches his hair

Ok gotta go, update you later!

Wild flipped after that page, a small drawing of a silent princess, behind that, nothing

He tucked the notepad in the bag and pulled the covers over himself, before falling asleep


Sorry this chapter is so short, I just needed it to be finished lol

This is the last chapter I'm going to post for December, I'm taking a break until January  :)

I know I've said this a lot, but I'm so grateful for all the support, even if it's just a few reads, it motivates me to keep going

Happy holidays!


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