Smores and crime scenes

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After much persuasion, wild finally decided (was forced) to wear pants and socks

Which wasn't his favorite

Legend and sky sat next to wild on a log, talking about their least favorite foods

"I'll honestly eat anything, excluding tomatoes" Legend crossed his arms

"Your so picky!" Sky huffed

"You don't even like pickles!" Legend said

"It's just sour cucumbers! They taste gross!" Sky argued 

"Wild! You like pickles right?" Legend yelled across the log

"He eats rocks! He doesn't even have any opinions on food" Sky opposed

Wild shrugged and repositioned the towel on his back, which was set there by twi, who wanted wilds hair to dry, not on his shirt.

Time walked over to wild, crouching down

"What's for dinner?" Time asked

"Meat s-skewhe... skewer" Wild said

"So like.. meat on a stick" Time asked, fairly confused

"Kinda" wild shrugged, grabbing a piece of flint and lighting the fire under the pot

Time shrugged and left

Wind wandered over to where wild was standing, staring at the pot

"Whatcha doing?" Wind asked

"Cook" wild pointed to the pot

"What is it?" Wind peaked over wilds shoulder at the pot

"Meat skew.. skewer" Wild took some meat from his sheikah slate and set the meat inside the pot

"Oh cool" Wind walked away, just after he left sky walked over to wild

"Ooh what's for dinner?" Sky stood at the pot, watching the meat simmer

A little irritated, wild answered "Meat s-skewer"

"Yum!" Sky walked off, going back to annoying legend about tomatoes

Twi jogged over to wild

"Hey pup! Whatcha cooking?" Twi asked

Wild stared at Twi, very annoyed "meat skewer"

"Ooh! Excited to taste it! Maybe it'll be better than your simmered fruit! You seem to make that a lot so you must be good at it" Twi yapped on about how wild cooked so much simmered fruit

Wild just sighed and went back to watching the pot, hoping no one would come over to him

The 3 seconds of peace were soon interrupted by warriors

"Hey wild! Wh-" Warriors was cut off by wild screaming

"MEAT SKEWER! E-EVERYONE HEAR?? NOW L-LEAVE ME ALONE!" Wild slammed the wooden spoon against the pot, which shattered instantly

"Whoah dude, I just asked what's for dinner" warriors backed away slowly

Everyone was a mix of confused and worried, they haven't heard wild scream in a while

"What's up with him?" Warriors asked time

"I think he's just annoyed everyone's asking him the same question" Time shrugged his shoulders

"Ohh" warriors looked back at wild, who was getting a new spoon

"Just leave him alone" Twi patted warriors shoulder

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