Mushroom lizards

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TW: Throw up later in the chapter

(I'll let you know when the TW starts and ends)

Wild took the towel from his back off and set it on a tree branch to dry

"Heading to bed?" Twi asked, about to go into his tent as well

Wild nodded and waved goodbye, crawling into his tent and wrapping himself in his blanket

Very slowly, wild finally fell asleep


Wild woke up to wind and four peeking inside his tent

"Is he alive?" Four whispered

"He's kinda drooling so I think so" wind whispered back

Wild groaned and rolled on his side, trying to fall back asleep

"Stop watching Wild sleep!" Warriors dragged wind and four away from wilds tent and zipped it back up

"Stalker behavior right here" Hyrule sighed

"But we want him to make us food!!" Wind complained

"I can!" Legend nodded confidently

"Absolutely not" Time said

"If anyone here gets sick, I'll let you throw me in the creek." Legend smiled proudly

"Woah, better get your swimsuit on" Warriors remarked

"No need! I've learned a little something from watching wild all this time!" Legend put his hands on his hips

"Don't screw this up, I'm not getting food poisoning for the 3rd time" Sky said

"Trust me, I won't!" Legend started the fire under the pot and tossed a radish, wildberry, mushroom, and a handful of rock salt inside the pot

"Looks kinda safe to me.." Four peaked over at the pot

But little did legend know, a unsuspecting lizard had crawled into the pot and burnt along with the food

"That's a funny looking mushroom" Time pointed at the burnt lizard

"It looks like a lizard!" Hyrule shouted

"Your feeding us lizard mushrooms?" Wind tuned to legend

"Nah it's just a funny looking one" Legend watched the pot

"Huh.." Sky smiled


A little while later, legend poured the food into bowls and passed it out

"This looks funny! And smells funny!" Wind yelled

"Mushrooms sometimes smell funny when cooked" Legend made up an excuse

Legend zipped open wilds tent and woke him up

Wild groaned and crawled out, rubbing his eyes and tugging his shirt down
"W-what smells?" Wild covered his nose

"My awesome breakfast!" Legend proudly stated

Wild shrugged and took a bowl from the side and took a small bite

"So? How is it?" Legend smiled

"Yucky, b-but kinda y-yummy" Wild nodded and took another small bite

"See? The cook likes it" Legend said

"Like I said yesterday, he eats rocks, he doesn't have opinions on food" sky yelled

"Stay mad haters" Legend took a bite of his food

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