Eat mulch dude

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After a lot of persuasion (and mud thrown) Time was able to convince Four, wild, sky, and wind to leave the creek and dry off

Twi was back at the camp, pouting on a log

"Stop being a baby" sky shouted, before going into his tent to change

Twi threw a rock at skys tent

Wild and wind also went into their tents to change

But wild didn't have any other clothes, besides his tunic, underwear, and winds old shorts that didn't fit him anymore

So wet shorts and a towel were chosen instead

But instead of going out and socializing, wild just laid down on his blanket and pulled it over him


Wild was tired from today, and just wanted to sleep, but he was interrupted by wind

"WILD IM HUNGRY PLEASE MAKE US DINNER" Wind banged on wilds tent

"H-HUSH!" Wild yelled, turning over and pulling the blanket over his face

"WILD" Wind banged on the tent again

"PLEASE IM HUNGRY" Legend whined at the tent, sky following behind him

"What's going on here?" Sky asked

"Wilds being selfish and won't cook for us" Legend pouted, almost like twi on the log earlier

"I mean, it's been a long day and he's probably tired" sky shrugged

"So? Make dinner before you SIT IN YOUR TENT BEING SELFISH!" Legend yelled that last part out, hoping wild would hear him

And he did hear him

Which was easy to tell since wild huffed and pulled his pillow over his face

Wild had always disliked being called names on how he was feeling, selfish and lazy to name a few

"Guys, he's a kid! Or he's got the mental capacity of one! He's allowed to be tired!" Sky crossed his arms, glaring at legend

"But I'm hungry" legend whined, walking over to the pot

"Why don't you make something then?" Warriors yelled

"I'm not getting food poisoning again" Four covered his mouth

The door to wilds tent zipped open and wild walked out, groaning and glaring at legend

"YAY!" Legend clapped his hands before turning back to the pot

Wild hung his wet shirt on a tree branch and walked over to the pot

"No shirt huh?" Twi asked, leaning back and falling

"Wet" wild pointed to his shirt hanging on the branch, before starting a fire under the pot

"What's for dinner?" Legend asked, smirking

Wild held up mulch from the ground, tossing it at legend

"EW" Legend got up and dusted his tunic

Wild smoothed the ground off and sat down, stirring the pot

"Whatcha making?" Four wandered over, sitting down next to wild

"Food" wild said plainly

"What type of food?" Four asked, slightly annoyed

"T..To.. Tuhmato mushroom soup" Wild poked at the simmering ingredients

"Tomato?" Four corrected

"Yup" wild stirred the soup a little more

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