Vegan hunting

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Since twilight had run out of ingredients for wild to use, and the chain was quite sick of the same boring thing every day, everyone decided to go foraging in the woods for food.

"We're gonna go foraging" sky said happily to wild, who hung on his back

"So v-vegan hunting?" Wild asked, braiding sky's hair

"Hah, I guess" time commented, unsheathing the bow on his shoulder, keeping it in his hands

Wilds eyes directed to the arrows on times back, scanning everyone for any sign of a

Sky had noticed wild staring at the arrows, and tapped his shoulder to get his attention

"There're just normal arrows, promise" sky attempted to look back and smile

Wild nodded softly and continued braiding sky's hair before the chain stumbled near a patch of mushrooms, berries, and other edible items

"Woah" wind walked over to a mushroom, poking it with a twig

"Quite rare to find such a spot when it's snowing" four admired the food surrounding the area

"Well let's get to picking!" Wind eagerly ran over to a bush, picking off the berries

Wild had dropped down from sky's back and immediately swung himself into a tree, hiding himself in the ferny branches

"Your supposed to be helping!" Twi angrily shouted, but his yells were cut off by wild jumping down from the tree, holding about 15 acorns in his hands

"Never mind" Twi said, smiling at the small boys achievement in acorn picking.

After maybe an hour, the area had been cleared of all food, and any sign food was even here.

Wild had fallen asleep on a log while counting his acorns and wild berries, he was now being carried on times back, his stash of food tucked away in a duffel bag

"How come he gets carried everywhere!" Legend scoffed

"Get stabbed by a magical arrow, be younger than maybe 11 and have no memory of who you are and were and then I'll think about it" time angrily stated

"Wait.. speaking of that comment
How old is wild?" Warrior asked, peaking his head around the two chatting

"Well I don't think we would know exactly but in my opinion he looks maybe 10?" Time said, turning to warrior, who just nodded and went back to chatting with sky

After a moment of silence, wind spoke up

"Legends to heavy to be carried anyway" wind remarked

Legend pushed wind into the snow face first, wind groaning and flicking his snow filled hair backwards after he got up again, glaring at legend

The entire walk was wind trying to catch legend of guard and push him into the snow, but to no avail

"Let me help!" Twi happily called out, shoving legend into the snow face first

Legend had ice on his eyebrows and hair, along with his eye lashes, he was also most definitely planing a murder

"Aw poor legend" time chuckled at the snow covered boy

Once the chain arrived back at camp, wild had woken up in time to cook dinner

Dinner was simple, mushroom skewers.

Sky was tasked with sorting through the edible and non edible mushrooms, he wasn't very good at it so wild paused his cooking and came over to check on the progress

"That's not e-ed.." wild stuttered on his words before sky corrected him

"Edible?" Sky asked, to which wild nodded

"Everything's edible! Once" warrior called out, getting a few sarcastic chuckles

After dinner was finally finished, wild handed out the skewers to each member

Wild had decided to sit in a.. tree. He wanted to sit in a tree and eat...

"Don't fall! Wait no why would I say that" Legend yelled at wild

Wild just stared at him funny

Around 30ish minutes, everyone had finished eating and was setting up a place to sleep

Wild decided to fall asleep alone, out of sight from everyone, In a tree...

"Alright! Wait.. where's wild?" Sky spun around to look at the blanket laid out for wild, yet it was empty

"Crap!" Twi shot up and went to search around for wild

"Maybe we look in a tree?" Sky suggested, Twi nodding and looking around the area

A few minutes had passed before the two heard a soft snore above them, which just so happened to be wild

"Ugh this kid and his trees" Twi sighed, climbing up the tree and carrying wild down

After wild had been set down in the blanket, they closed his tent

Most of the chain (excluding legend) was worried about wild and his ability to be asleep alone, but they shook it off

If he can sleep in a tree he can sleep in a blanket alone, well near everyone

Sorry for the wait! I hope to make longer chapters yet I have no patience 🫠


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