Lawsuits and a visit to the creek

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Today was hot


Very hot

Which was proven by the fact everyone was woken up to a pile of sweat beneath them

"IM GONNA MELT" Four groaned while walking out of his tent, covering his eyes from the sun

"Is this how I die? Melted alive?" Hyrule unzipped his tent

"my eyes hurt" sky shielded his eyes

"I'm gonna be boiled alive!" Wind complained

(Clearly these guys haven't been in Texas summer weather before)

"How about we go to the creek!" Hyrule suggested, earning everyone's attention

"But I'm hungry!" Legend complained

"you're a-always hungry!" Wild responded

"How about we eat first?" Twi sat down by the pot

"I think we'll be cooked before the food is" Warriors huffed and sat down

Everyone stared at wild, waiting for him to start cooking

"W-Why always me!" Wild groaned and took out some ingredients

"Because you can make edible food, we can't" Time shrugged

"I can cook!" Twi glared at time

"No you cannot" legend shook his head

The chain settled down and watched as the ingredients simmered in the pot

"There's no tomatoes in this.. right?" Legend asked, looking for any sight of tomatoes

"No" Wild yawned, stirring the soup

Wild got up and watched as the soup boiled, which had meant it was ready

He scooped the soup into bowls, passing them out

"Ohh! It's a heart!" Wind poked at the hearty radish

"What's this soup called?" Time asked, taking a bowl from wild

"Creamy h-heart soup, also the soup is hot, b-be careful" Wild walked back to the pot to pour another bowl

"FINISHED!" Wind held his empty bowl in the air

"HOW" sky gaped at winds empty bowl

"I'm just built different" wind smiled before turning to twi

"Can I go to the creek now?" Wind asked twi

"How about we wait for everyone" Twi took a bowl from wild

Wind groaned and watched as everyone slowly ate their food

"Please hurry up, I'm so hotttt" wind groaned once again

"How about you get ready and put on sunscreen?" Sky suggested

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