HTTYD but Dadza bcs late night thoughts go brr

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Its EXACTLY what it sounds like: HTTYD, movies one through three if you want, but primarily movie one.

I got the idea thinking of how people draw Ph1L's wing as damaged after Wilbur caused the explosion, and went 'hmmmm let's make something out of this'

five minutes later, i was like "hey what if Techno tried to help fix it?" and went from there. 

So  basically, the Hybrids are the dragons, and Techno'd be Hiccup. Obviously, Ph1LzA's Toothless in this scenario, and then we go from there: Technoblade manages to shoot Ph1L down with a firework-loaded crossbow and he lands in a trap. Techno goes after him, and has second thoughts about killing him.

Cue an unreasonably wholesome friendship between man and Hybrid. 

Eventually, Technoblade starts trying to make something to help Ph1L fly again, and so then we get like that first flight thing and I just think it'd be really cool. Meanwhile, you know, bad stuff happens, and that can be sorted out later bcs these two are becoming friends. 

Make of this what you will, and if anyone wants to write this, go ahead; i don't have the brain ability to do it well.

I'll read it tho. 

Anyway hope this isn't cringe or anything. 

Rip Technoblade, O7.

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