Probably one of my craziest ideas yet

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I've got a book idea. I don't know yet if I'll actually act upon it, so I figured I'd put it here, let anyone else who may want to take a crack at it, or we make our own versions of it and see how different they'd be. Anyway, onto the point: I had the idea for a book, where it's this person, who becomes the host body for a sort of Symbiote, for lack of a better word. Now, this Symbiote is NOT a physical being, like in Venom, instead, it's made up of electrical pulses, like the kinds one would find in their brains. This allows them to have access to all things the brain controls(motor functions, speech, sensory input, etc), as well as thoughts and emotions. However, there's a twist. I like to watch doctor shows(The Good Doctor, presently) and somewhere along the line, I heard about Epilepsy. I looked at the definition, went 'oh neat'(not for the people who have epilepsy but more like a 'oh, okay, so that's what that is' thing), and remembered it recently. From what it said, epilepsy is commonly affiliated with seizures. Seizures have to do with a (quoting a quick google search here) "burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells", and my Symbiotes are made of theses electrical pulses. For the record, I do watch doctor shows and search up all the words and things, and I'm trying to make sure what I'm saying about the subjects I'm touching on is correct, but if there's an actual doctor person, or someone who knows far more about this and I'm wrong, I apologize, and do feel free to correct me. Anyway, the idea for that is, since they're not a physical being, they make first contact through sleep, dreams, or when you're in a hallucinatory state, and then, if they manage to connect to their host's brain(some are compatible and some aren't, mostly due to personalities and such), that causes a seizure, since they're making that sudden burst of electrical activity, 'moving in' to the brain, so to speak. It is commonly mistaken for epilepsy because of these factors, and when the person with the Symbiote attempts to explain, it's shrugged off as a hallucination from the seizures. It is, in fact, easier for the Symbiote to connect to someone who actually DOES have epilepsy, as the seizure is a given for the connection to manifest.

Okay, that's the base idea, there's a little more about the Symbiote itself I wanna add. 

For one, once they've connected to their host's mind, they have only partial control over them. This is because, if they were to try and take full control, specifically by force, it'd cause another seizure, but this time, the connection would also cause harm to the Symbiote. It's basically forcing them to work together, but that's usually fine, they're not VERY aggressive, though some can be. They don't have the same morals, or at least, very few morals, as people do, but they don't typically MEAN to do harm. Sometimes, they can even be quite helpful, for instance, if their host is having a panic attack, they can alter the perceptions around them to help calm them down(using calming sights, sounds, smells, etc, due to the memories the host has, though they cannot access these memories on their own, that is solely controlled by the host), or they'll be able to help them accomplish a certain task that the host would normally struggle with. 

That's basically all I have for now. If any of you have questions, or suggestions, or I said something incorrect and I need to change it, please let me know. Hope you enjoyed it, and that you have a good day :)

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