*Painfully changes the 30 chapters for lore*

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Or at least I'm fairly SURE this is lore??? 


As far as I know, I could just point at something my character does and go "ALOREhamora!"(this lore pun was brought to you by Grian's Lore Puns) and then it counts as lore. But anyway, THIS specific instance is a little snippet of my character and her backstory.

That's what this is.

I thought of it while I was listening to Mountains by Hans Zimmer, from Interstellar, so idk but if this interests you, maybe take a listen?

Anyway with this HORRIBLE intro that is utterly RIDDLED with plot holes and my own naïveté and just my little amount of knowledge, here. We'll be jump it right into it bcs this was an idea made with no true beginning, middle, or end.

The lore's the most important part of it anyway.

Enjoy, I hope-

She flaps her wings a bit harder, rising higher than the clouds, and looks down at the earth below. Everything, her whole world, the vast lands she calls her home, are tiny from up here. The clouds below her look like fluffy pieces of cotton, illuminated by the moon's glow. She's safe, and it is peaceful. 

Unlike her old home.

But she doesn't need to worry about it anymore. 

Pushing that thought out of her mind, Xerean sets off, speeding off across the sky and leaving ripples through the clouds in her wake. The idea for her is to go as fast as she can, intending on challenging one of her friends to a race later, the true Avian presently very skilled. She's a Chaos Witch, though, and has told herself she can do anything. And for a while, she believes it. The night is calm and clear, the stars shine and scatter like a black face full of freckles, and the moonlight gives her peace. She likes the night, it's silent and cool, yet bright and inviting. 

And then it catches her eye. 

A strange, spherical object, simply floating in the sky, smooth but odd. It bends and shifts, like a mirror in one of those fun houses in the circus. 

But instead of bending and warping a person, it's a dark thing, glints of white and murky and sky blues, pink and purples, catching her interest and drawing her closer. It's much bigger than she is, a massive tunnel and it's sucking her in, luring her ever closer. 

She goes inside, the darkness coming up to meet her, before she sees swift flashes of light swirling around to meet her, reflecting off the walls like gemstones catching the light. In fact, upon further examination, the walls ARE like gemstones-perfectly smooth and round, but with that sort of crystallized texture across it. She can even see her reflection in the surface, all around. The air gets colder, and she becomes aware of the whispers catching at her ears and running away before she can focus on them. For once, she's becoming uneasy, which, along with her pride, only eggs her on further. 

Suddenly, the tunnel ends, and she's out over open air.

Her heart stops for a moment, she flares her wings and banks to avoid a massive, crystallized claw looming up before her. 

It's unmoving, but it's clearly an unnatural occurrence, if the fact whatever this place is existing at all wasn't unnatural enough to begin with. She does note, however, that while the tunnel was smooth, the claws are more rough and jagged, like how the amethyst geodes are usually smooth, but the small crystal groupings are still faceted. As she makes her way past it, she tracks it to its source.

A face, contorted with rage, eyes glassy and empty. 

And yet still familiar.

Suddenly she wants to turn back.

But yet, she still doesn't.

Swooping ever forward, she takes in the full sight before her: a cave, it looks like, too enormous for words, covered in these strange crystals, cold and empty, but inside Xerean is burning like she's been set aflame. It's a city, she knows that, there's houses below, not that they look like houses, and from the ceiling, spires and massive, thick stalactites that hold enormous structures, palaces she can see in perfect condition within her mind's eye. She shouldn't be here at all. Nobody should have been able to come here.

So why, why, WHY  is she?

Small, thin wisps of long clouds stretch about in the air, and they catch her arms as she reaches down, diving to pick up a loose pice of one of these crystal figures. It's a head, open mouthed and screaming, though no longer is it flesh and bone. There is nothing left of them. Only the gem, like an expensive, rough bust made of a famous person. She keeps holding the head, now beating her wings to aim for the middle of the vast city: the stalactite palaces, the floating islands nearby now connected by ropes of crystal. She hesitates, then lands on a smaller one, staring out at where she came from. It's like a swarm of bats, frozen in midair, and mostly connected to one another. She can still hear the angry, furious shouts of their calls for her demise. The rage they held, and the fear she possessed. 

This is where she escaped from.

The city she killed.

Her home.

Trembling, Xerean inhales slowly, holds it in for a few moments, then releases, a breathing method taught to her by the man she expected most likely to kill her. She repeats the process a couple of times, however the memories stay in her mind no matter what, like a broken music disc in the jukebox. Each scratch is another one: The shadow, reaching for her. The way she kicked off its palm. The shouts going from pure rage to howls of anger and now also fear, shock, and confusion. Her turning back once to see crystal spreading rapidly, like water soaked up by a sponge.


And the knowledge that she has been responsible for the death of a whole city. Her life, frozen by the gems she set. 

Her past has come to haunt her, a reminder that it will not end, it will never be over. 

It's only a matter of time.



I always wanted to have L O R E for my Chaos Witch self; as she's my MCYT persona, and therefore a very vital part of my fandom existence, though she can and does exist in other ones, too.

Just not yet. 

Anyway I hope this was even a little bit interesting and maybe someone will enjoy it enough to ask some questions so I myself can sharpen up her story a bit more. Anyway bye for now!

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