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Warden hybrids are always a fun conceptual challenge for me; given what I know of them and my own personal ideas, there's great possibilities to explore, and these are my ideas:

They can feel vibrations and have excellent hearing(but this can backfire bcs if something too loud goes off too close(so TNT or fireworks in their ear or again too close) that can give them immense pain or even hearing damage

They can also make loud noises(based off the sonic shrieks they can make, so they have a much broader vocal range) which can be used as a weapon

Enhanced strength (the digging and the wardens being able to basically KO you in one hit)

Thicker skin(they take significantly less damage and are harder to hurt)

Sense of smell is PHENOMENAL; they can track an almost entirely dead scent for however long seems reasonable(bcs I have no idea how this works tbh)

And then onto the physical traits:

Glowy dots to replace their freckles, maybe even like, little patterns to help them identify one another or communicate due to their sensitive hearing(like Aquatic in the SeaWing tribe)

Dark skin patches, these are very cold (they're cold from the caves) but also rough or thick, harder to cut through, so if conveniently placed on their arms(as is common) they can use these patches like shields, but they're also the one of the true telltale signs they're a Warden hybrid and therefore they try to hide these since they're so powerful and usually feared

Their eyes, their eyesight is typically poor, though the longer they spend out in the world and on the surface above ground, their eyesight gets better, and as such their eyes typically appear pale and cloudy when they first come up from the deep dark, and slowly clear up to show genuine color and detail as they live above ground

Their horns are the hardest part of them to hide or even live with, long and thick, they're heavy but also sensitive, so they try and keep people from touching or going near them. Unfortunately this also means they have issues with covering these horns as well, which helps nothing 

They can have sharp teeth, and sharp claws, sturdy and durable bones to aid in digging and moving boulders and stuff, so they're strong and powerful, but they'll file those claws down around others so as to avoid hurting anyone

That's all I got for now, if anyone has anything they want to add or build on any of these ideas, I'm all ears for it, and I'll see y'all later!

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