That one stupid vampire theory I have

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They're dead, but alive, deathly cold but TYPICALLY, as far as I can tell, still bleed, and cannot go the into the sunlight.

Here's why I  think this occurs.

Going back to the 'dead but alive, and deathly cold' thing, I say it's due to this: when a Vampire becomes, well, a Vampire, their body stops aging and all that, right? They can no longer contract disease, they can basically live forever so long as x amount of things don't happen and they keep  a good source of blood, and all such things. But what keeps their bodies from rotting? With no fresh blood being produced and the body technically being dead, they should just rot, right? So going on to the deathly cold part, I say that because they're dead, their bodies turn on this sort of cryostasis that keeps their bodies from decomposing. This means they have blood in their veins, but they cannot replenish it, so when they bleed, they can't make more blood. That's it. Unless they drink blood, which is why they need HUMAN blood. First, they need the oxygen in it to keep their brains alive, the one part of them that remains alive to keep them functioning properly, and to replace any blood they may lose otherwise. The cryostasis isn't prominent enough to limit their movements, but it's just enough to slow down everything else. This is why they can't go in the sun: the sun warms them back up and 'melts' this cryo layer, and as a result, all the slow decomposition they'd been preventing suddenly catches up with them, and as well as being basically instantly severely sunburnt, their bodies start making up for the time. They can also withstand fire, but not for long, as it has the same effect as the sun. 

I again can't think if I forgot anything but I will add if I did


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