Hybrid Headcanons for the DSMP(mixed with OSMP) I have

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u already know what this is from the name of the chapter

lets get started shall we?

first person: *drumroll* 

Wilbur Soot! *yayyyy* 

I mixed his OSMP character with his DSMP character and got this.

He is the Angel of Death's son, who is married to Lady Death, Kristen. This makes him the PRINCE of Death, with the ability to traverse between other people's Limbos (He sometimes calls them Deathscapes) and temporarily allow a dead person to visit a person in the living world or vice versa. Being a prince of Death, he is actually 2,200 years old, but says he's actually 22. I also decided many other things(itll all connect dont worry) such as he is 3 hybrids: Phantom, Avian, AND Elytrian. His Phantom parts allow him to have a deep navy blue tail, a row of spines down his back and tail, wings with the bones visible(Shaped like a birds) and black eyes with blue irises that glow in the dark. His phantom powers allow him to go invisible in shadows, be immune to disease and poison/venoms, and phase through objects. His Avian part gives him these feathers a more saturated blondish yellow-gold than Tommy's hair. These feathers make up his wings, and the fan at the tip of his tail. The Elytrian in him gives him metallic seeming bones and spines. the quills in that fan are also this shiny, metallic silver color. IDK if elytra is metal or not but that's how I see it so bear with me here. Also I forgot to add I imagine he's actually really good at swimming, despite his having feathers. This is mostly due to his tail and he just really good at swimming bcs he likes to hang out with Niki, who is a Merling hybrid, so she typically resides in the water. BUT ALSO IT JUST LOOKS COOL TO ME IF I IMAGINE IT RIGHT. 


He's the last Elytrian, the Angel of Death, thousands of years old, and married to Lady Death, Kristen. His wings are massive, and black, like a crow's. And slightly metallic. If he holds them up a certain way, it will typically cause the weapons(or even explosions, though this is far less common) to be deflected. The edges of some of his feathers are sharp like blades, but overall they're just feathers. They're also kind of glossy, like crow feathers. He is supposed to protect the world of the Living from the world of the Dead, and he can talk to crows. I'm debating making his crows be the voices of dead people, but that seems pretty dark, so for now they're just crows. Because he's been around for AGES, there are many legends about a winged Angel who will sometimes aid a lost child. 

Imma add Mumza bcs i like her.

So here u go


She is the Goddess of Death, also known as Mumza or Lady Death, and I imagine her to be a sparrow hybrid with pretty brown wings. She resides in the world of the Dead, but can sometimes come to the world of the Living. Usually. she is very big, as a god would be, but she can take on a human size if she wants. I'm taking inspiration off an animation i found by a person called Casserole :D on YouTube for this so i suggest you look at the animation (Called Towards the Sun Dream SMP animatic). She made Technoblade the Blood God.

Speaking of,


He's a piglin hybrid, but his face is human. I imagine he has a braid of light pink hair, and his feet are a piglin's. He just wears a mask. As the Blood God, he carries out Lady Death's wrath and justice to those deserving. Every person he kills becomes a voice(they were a lot of bad people), so he struggles with their wish for blood. 

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