Yet another convoluted idea...this time for Endermen

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So you know how Endermen can be found in any biome or dimension, right? Even though it doesn't seem to make sense(but then again it's Minecraft who said it had to?). Going on the thought that the End is like a pocket dimension somewhere in space, I would assume it'd be cold. Cuz, you know, space. Anyway, if it's cold there, and the Endermen can be found not only there, but in places like the desert or the Nether, being the complete OPPOSITE of their native land, how come they exist there? They're built almost entirely wrong for the fiery environment of the Nether, most prominently their long limbs and dark skin. My idea is that Endermen have a special internal temperature regulation system. This means that when they're somewhere cold, like in the End, their bodies will be warm to the touch, as they heat up to deal with the cold, and then, applying this to the Nether, they would cool their bodies drastically in comparison. For the Overworld, they don't really need MUCH fluctuation, since most places are pretty much similar in temperature. 

Also, while I'm here, I was wondering, you know how magma cream is used to make fire resistant potions(I'm pretty sure, I haven't made potions often😅)? I imagine that it could be used just to help with simple burns, like any burn cream or ointment in real life. Building on this, we all know Endermen are hurt, or apparently burned, by water, so what if the regular slime could help them with their burns, like how magma cream helps with fiery ones? Just thought it'd be a neat idea.

Yes this idea is really naïve but I'm gonna put it here anyway bcs why not

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