Cute children

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I made some OCs for My Hero Academia, and then my friend gave me a template and got me to draw them as little kids.

This was the result.

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The one on the left is my original OC, Koware Ikimo, whose Quirk allows her to manifest the physical form of any animal, so long as she has seen it or read about it. The drawback is that she goes crazy and vicious if she smells fresh blood. The one on the right is to be her boyfriend, Rekuu Motono, whose Quirk I call Constalline. He can produce all these little balls of yellow light, which he can then use to make weapons (like swords, bows, guns, etc.) or like, claws or wings to fly with and stuff, and sometimes even teleport. If he uses his Quirk for over a certain amount of time, he grows too weak to even stand. So he tries to train it as much as possible. This has resulted in his (current) limit being 3 hours. 

Their history is a sad, dark one, with Rekuu having been raised as an assassin by his family, who was hired arms for ForgeBlade, a villain whose wife adopted Koware. When Koware ran away (at age 8), ForgeBlade was furious, and regularly sent his people after her. She always beat them, so he sent Rekuu. Rekuu was supposed to be the most merciless guy he had. But, when given the chance to kill her, he didn't. When he returned, ForgeBlade slashed his back and sent him back out, telling him to "Kill her right this time" and not come back until he had. Little did he know Rekuu was gonna eventually fall in love with her.

Koware, however, doesn't trust anyone, her adoptive father being a villain called ForgeBlade(i literally cannot find a real name for him im sorry so feel free to give him your own) that openly hated her, her adoptive brothers bullied her, and when she was 8, ForgeBlade used his quirk (the ability to produce blades as hot as they would be at peak temperature in a forge, hence the name ForgeBlade, also little fun fact I was trying to find out what he looked like and literally not even two minutes later my mind opted for basically if Endeavor had an evil brother. But they aren't related. Anyway) to slash the back of her neck. Morgan, ForgeBlade's wife, helped her run away, where she lived in the back streets and alleys of the city. Over time, she developed a deep hatred for heroes, learning to fend for herself from ForgeBlade's men and drunk people and the gangs and such. When she was 10, she saw a report on the news. 

Morgan was dead. 

ForgeBlade had killed her to spite Koware, and it was at that moment Koware vowed to fix this unjust world of heroes. To make sure no other child had to have the life she had. 

Here's them at their normal age, that being 16.

Koware's actually older by a few months.

This is Rekuu.

I couldn't draw all the dots of his quirk, but there's a portal behind him, and also, his hair is actually brown with dirty blonde tips, but he dyed it black bcs it suits his theme better, what with being an assassin and all.

I couldn't draw all the dots of his quirk, but there's a portal behind him, and also, his hair is actually brown with dirty blonde tips, but he dyed it black bcs it suits his theme better, what with being an assassin and all

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Here's Koware. She has the collar on all the time because she is hiding the scar ForgeBlade gave her.

 She has the collar on all the time because she is hiding the scar ForgeBlade gave her

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