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It's an ACRONYM! *fanfare noises*

I wanted to make an evil lab organization, so I did >:D

S.U.N.A.D stands for 







Essentially, they're evil scientists, but also they're an army unit.

Just unreasonably big and they lean more towards making biological weapons and doing experiments to make soldiers that aren't human

Your typical evil scientist group, essentially.

I can't show you due to the picture problems but like, I made an apocalypse team, and one of them is a snake guy named Alex, one of the only successful experiments of this disease that can make you a creature of sorts(each person has a specific changeable form that only their body can survive becoming, so the trial was to perfect this) who came from this lab. (might have been inspired by Resident Evil, who knows((also shoutout to anyone else who enjoyed the movies!)))

They essentially started the apocalypse, because a rat escaped, bit someone, and we all know how that goes. 

They're basically zombies now, although some had a better reaction, and retained their being sentient, but they're mostly depressed now.

Anyway, if any of yall like this idea, I dont mind if you use it, and if you have any ideas to add, feel free to speak up! 

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