Little snippet of an Eddsworld OC story

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I'll explain later. Presently, all you must know is this is only a piece of the story so it won't really GO anywhere, her name is Mazikeen, she's 16, and she's a monster much reminiscent of a vampire. (But if you have questions, A S K, I WILL answer them)

"Maz!" Tom shouts, dropping his flask and running to where she's collapsed on the ground. He gently turns her over, and she grunts softly, hand loosely clutching her abdomen. Her long, sandy-beige ears flop and lay visible, although he couldn't care less about that right now; Mazikeen's been shot. "What did you do?!" He says worriedly, locating and pressing down on the wound. He's seen her come home with bandages and bloodied strips of gauze or bruises and scratches, but not a gunshot. She promised them she'd be careful!! "Some idiot...shot me." She says at length, chest heaving as she struggles to cope with the pain. "What were you even doing out here? It's the middle of the night!" She manages a faint, cocky smile. "I could ask you the same thing." She replies, but winces when she tries to shift. "You know why." She sighs quietly, laying her head back and closing her eyes. 

He does know.

Her blood drive. 

Every few months, Tom or Eduardo have to force her to go out, and drink someone's blood, simply to stay alive. She explained it to the two of them, once, after she admitted what she was to Tom. "I can scrape by on animal blood for a few months, but what I really need is HUMAN blood. It's disgusting, and I hate it, but it's true. Without it, my body will fail. I can't die of disease and I believe old age, but I can still get organ failure and my body will slowly just begin to completely shut down on me." After hearing that, the two men had made an uncomfortable decision to get her to  go out at drink some blood once every few months, neither willing to watch her suffer and then die. They considered just getting blood packets or providing her with their own blood, but Mazikeen would have refused. She never said it outright, but they could clearly tell: it would be almost unforgivable to her is she were to drink their blood. She wouldn't want to hurt anyone, so she would pick her targets carefully: criminals and people who sought out other people to hurt, or those who tried to hurt her. And now, that method has backfired on her. And to make matters worse, if she hasn't already started healing, as she evidently isn't, it means she hasn't finished her task. She failed. On top of being a monster that needs blood to live, she can heal faster and gets a boost from drinking blood, which is why she starts to look so constantly  tired when she's been abstaining for a while. At this point, Tom can tell–she's not making it out of here on her own. She's lost too much of her own blood for that, too stubborn to know when to take a rest. "You should've just CALLED one of us." He says softly, carefully using his now red hand to brush some hair out of her face. Mazikeen's only response is a faint grunt. She needs help. She needs BLOOD. Of course, there aren't any willing victims around, in fact Tom doubts there's actually anyone nearby at all. He has one option. He hates it. But looking at her, he knows he cannot let this be her end. He refuses. Carefully, he feels along her arm, before his hand brushes what he wants: moving her wrist, a little dagger slides into her palm, which he picks up and puts to his forearm. He isn't THAT hateful of himself, but he does have the resolve to drag it across his skin, the dark substance instantly beginning to flow and collect. Swiftly, he puts it over her face, watching it well up and slowly drip into her mouth. As soon as it does, the reaction is immediate. A set of fangs that would be normally mistaken for just very sharp canines lengthen and curve slightly, her nose wrinkles up and she twitches slightly. Then, her eyes open, now a brilliant, blazing bright blue, compared to her deep brown, the pupils thin and slitted like a cat's. Mazikeen snarls, sitting up and grasping his wrist in one hand, the other over his shoulder as though to keep him from pulling away. She bites down, making Tom flinch, however her steely grip holds him steady. There's silence, Tom unsure how to continue, Mazikeen entirely absorbed in her need to drink. Tom wonders if he may have just killed himself, starting to feel a bit light-headed and weak, but as his gaze drifts to the gunshot wound, which he can see already starting to heal, he is sure he made the right choice. Mazikeen's grip shifts, loosening, before abruptly she breaks away, shoving him back as she creates more distance anyway, spitting out the liquid that remains. Her mouth and teeth are still dripping with blood, HIS blood, however her eyes are losing that glow and becoming dark pits once again, her fangs slowly shrinking in size. Her gaze now lands on his arm, where there's a very blatant bite mark around the gash he gave himself. It's stopped bleeding, though, which Tom takes as a good sign. "Are you TRYING to kill yourself?" She spits, finding her voice. Her breaths are deep and shaky, though, and there's a tension in her shoulders that is very visible. "You're welcome. I thought you were smarter than this!" He replies, relieved that she's alright, but she doesn't like to be pitied or treated soft, as they all know. Luckily, he can release some of the adrenaline he'd racked up like this. "I never ASKED for you two to help me with this, either. And I never ASKED for you to give me blood." She points out, face curling into a snarl. "What, you would rather I have let you DIE?! I won't do that!" He exclaims. Mazikeen falters; emotions and feelings and these sorts of things are all new to her. "Damn you." She snarls, looking away. "Damn you and all your feels and caring bullshit." She sits down, dragging her hands across her face. "Look, I get why you didn't want this to happen. It's awful. I can't even imagine how it would feel. But you have no choice. You shouldn't just KILL yourself because you don't want to hurt anyone else. I CHOSE to give you my blood. We'll figure out a better method one day, I promise you that. But until then, don't give up, and LET US HELP YOU." He tells her, walking over. He crouches down, intending to offer her his hand, knowing her aversions to physical contact. Instead, she jumps forward and hugs him. Tom pauses, taken by surprise, before hesitantly putting his arms around her, allowing her to retract the action at a moment's notice. She only clings to his sweater tighter. "Just never do that again." She mutters, inhaling deeply. "Alright." Tom has no intention of repeating this whole incident, but he worries about if it were to happen again. "And you will tell NOBODY of this. The LAST thing I need is you all coming over and hugging me all the time. And let's just HOPE nobody else saw this." She adds, before finally releasing him and standing up. Tom gets up as well, and Mazikeen goes to retrieve her knife, and the pole she'd dropped. She offers it to him, he's still a little dizzy from the blood loss, so he accepts it. "Now, let's go home." 

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