The Immortals

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The Immortals are a concept I got from looking at this book. I forgot the name, but anyway it's like "every seven years the gods try and run. They're being hunted, bcs there's a bunch of kids or people coming after them to kill them and thus become the gods themselves." I extended upon this idea, ironically I made it BEFORE I saw the book. Anyway, onto the idea!

The Immortals cannot die, at least, not due to old age or poison, or bodily means. The only way they can die is by being killed by a mortal person–a human, or other being, if one would so choose. Usually, they have a power they're representing (Creation, Chaos, Time, Space, Reality, Air, Earth, Animals, Death, basically any sort of thing you could want, there's different Immortals for different cultures and religions), and they have a place they live. Sometimes a person's smart enough to find them and kills them, but mostly, they be Immortals and do Immortal things for however long until they get bored, and ready to die. When they get close to that time, they will choose someone, and spend some time with them so they can take over for the Immortal. Sort of like a passed–down power. They can vary in size and even change their size as they so choose, but usually, an average height(so imma say...5'8", 5'9"?) human would come up to an Immortal's ankle in height. When the Immortal is killed, the person this gains their power, becoming the next version of said Immortal. They keep the memories of the past Immortals, but they also keep their own personality and this allows them to be their OWN kind of version of that Immortal. However, if an Immortal attacks another Immortal, the loser will be killed. Permanently. The other Immortal will ALSO be given the killed Immortal's abilities, so they become that much stronger. This is a bad thing. But for the most part they're all pretty chill, and so it's not that big of a worry. 

Uhhh I can't think of anything else I wanted to add to this, but if I do I will do that.

Anyway hope you enjoy it and as with everything else in this book, feel free to use it yourselves!

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