Chapter 1: introduction

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Hi my name is jade wilson, I live in Somerville Massachusetts. I go to school at Somerville high school with my friends nick, Matt, Chris, Rory, and Dominic. Today is the start of senior year I'm nervous but excited at the same time to see my friends in this school year. I wake up and get ready for school.  By 8:00 am I hear a car honk I look out my window and it's Matt. I walk out the front door with my book bag slung over my shoulder. As I walk out it's rainy and cold. There are white clouds all over the sky and there is a slight misty fog in the air. I feel goosebumps form on my arms as I realized I forgot my jacket. I get in the car anyway because I don't want to make us late. Matt and Rory are sitting up front while nick and Dominic are sitting in the back.  I take a seat next to Chris and smile at him gently. He notices me shivering and hands me his hoodie. I take it and thank him. I put the hoodie on and it smells so good it smells like sandalwood and vanilla.  I can't help but blush lightly and look away. In no time we are on our way to school.
We all walk in together when Olivia walks up to Chris she looks at me than back to Chris.

Olivia : why does jade have your hoodie.

Chris : she was cold and forgot her jacket it's not that deep.

Olivia : what do you mean not a big deal your my boyfriend and yet your acting like jade is your girlfriend.

Jade rolls her eyes at Olivia's stupid pettiness.

Olivia glares at Jade.

No one else seems to notice the death glare Olivia is giving Jade. Jade feels bad for making Olivia mad at Chris even if it was petty of Olivia to be jealous.

Jade takes of Chris's hoodie and gently gives it back to him before walking away.

They all go there separately ways to class.

Jade can't help but somewhat feel guilty abt what happened even though it wasn't a big deal.

She walks away and makes it to her first class of the day.

She sighs remembering how Olivia treated Chris this morning Chris doesn't deserve how Olivia treats him she thought .

Time skip after school

Everyone gets in the van and goes to the triplets to hang out.

Rory: guys there's a party being thrown for the beginning of the school year, we should go.

Nick: who's hosting it

Rory: idk some popular kid from school,who cares we should go, it sounds like fun.

Time skip to the party

Jades pov
I walked in to the party the house was dark with many led lights illuminating the house. As soon as I walked in there were loads of people everywhere the smell of liquor and weed was strong. Olivia and Chris went there own way leaving me, Matt, Rory, Dominic, and nick.
I walked over to the next room I saw. It was the kitchen the lighting was dim and there were red solo cups littering the kitchen. I picked up a bottle of vodka and did some shots before I saw a figure walk past. I was already on my 14th shot when the voice spoke up. " don't you think you should slow down a little". I looked up and noticed the figure it was Chris. I looked around Olivia was no where in sight.  Hmm I responded clearly enjoying the alcohol. I continued to drink before Chris grabbed the bottle from me. Chris: hey I think you've had enough. At this time I was buzzed, my vision blurry. I tried to walk toward Chris reaching for the bottle. I nearly tripped before Chris caught me. Chris placed the bottle down on the counter and held me up. Chris : let me get you some water. He gave me a bottle of water, I sipped the cold liquid feeling slighty more hydrated. Not long after I sprang up from my chair and ran stumbling to the nearest bathroom. I began puking perfousedly I must of drank to much. Chris walked in and held my hair back. I finished puking and leaned against the wall. I drank some water and relaxed for a bit. Chris helped me to the living room area and sat me on the couch. Chris: hey I'll be back soon I'm going to find the others. Ok I said groggily.

Chris walked away trying to find the others.
Chris's pov
I looked around the big house that seemed to be crawling with people . I looked for what seems like forever before I found Olivia . I saw the most gut  wrenching sight I though I'd ever see Olivia was kissing another guy. Who was it idk. Olivia turned around and saw me she tried to walk towards me but I just sped walked away. She grabbed my arm turning me to face her at this point tears were streaming down my face my eyes red and glossy. Olivia: Chris it's not what you think I promise I was drunk I didn't mean to. Chris: how could you do that to me I said growing angrier as the audience grows watching us. Olivia: chris I'm sorry please forgive me.  Chris: no you cheated on me we're done. Chris stormed out angrily. Matt, nick, Rory, Dominic, and Jade following. They all got in the van and left. Matt dropped everybody off and they all arrived home. nobody was looking forward to their hungover states tommorow .

Chris's pov
As soon as I got home I went to my room and flopped on my bed. I felt distraught and heartbroken. I couldn't believe what Olivia did.  I ended up crying myself to sleep that night.

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