Chapter 18:jade

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Listen to madhouse by nessa Barrett

A couple weeks had passed and Jade was awake. She woke up with a cloudy memory. Al she could remember was her feeling depressed after what happened. Then it hit her she put herself in this position. She get awful for how she probably made her friends feel especially Chris. Before she knew it she was interrupted from her thoughts. The door had opened and in walked Chris. She saw his eyes brighten up with joy as he walked in.

Chris's pov
I was shocked that she was awake. I was so happy to see her. I don't know what I would do if I lost her.

Jades pov
He walked up to me before hugging me gently and pecking my lips softly. He then sat in the chair next to me and we talked.

Chris: I don't understand Why would you try to do that.

Jade stared at Chris in shock not knowing what to say. She began to brake down into tears.

Jade: I'm so sorry Chris. I don't know why I did it. I felt so guilty for what happened to you. I've been struggling,I'm so sorry for not telling you I just didn't want to burden you.

Chris was shocked he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It broke him to see Jade struggling. But it also made him upset that Jade wouldn't tell him she was struggling.

Chris: how long have you felt like this.

Jade was at a loss for words she didn't know what to say.

Jade: I've felt like this for a while for as long as I've had my anxiety. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Chris was shocked and didn't know how to take the information at hand. He was having a hard time processing what was happening.

Chris: I'm glad your ok but you could have told me. I can't believe you would keep something like this from me.

Before Jade knew it Chris was storming off.
Jade was distraught. She didn't know how to fix this. She knew she was in the wrong for keeping something like that. She knew she needed help but she didn't want to burden anyone. She should have told Chris but she didn't want to worry him or worse have everyone think she's crazy. She was lost. She was interrupted from her thoughts to a knock.

Jade: come in.

Doctor: hi I'm your doctor.I was just coming to let you know that the hospital thinks it's your best interest if we sent you to a mental hospital. You will be leaving tomorrow. You may have visitors come and visit before tomorrow.

I feel asleep crying. I knew I needed help but I didn't want to leave all my friends .

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