Chapter 12:i love you

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I awoke the next morning next to midnight. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. All the events of last night rushed into my head. I tried not to cry but I failed. I began to break down thinking about Chris. I probably messed everything up even though it wasn't my fault.
I began to sob uncontrollably, my vision became blurry and I started to hyperventilate. I was gasping for air. The only person who knows I struggle with anxiety is Matt. Matt is the person that helps me a lot. I didn't feel like burdening everyone else with my problems.

I reached weakly out for my phone. I called Matt. He answered and my words were shaky and hard to understand.

Jade: Matt......i.........need... you.....please...anxiety...............attack

Matt: just take deep breaths I'm on my way.

Matt's pov
After jade called me I rushed around the house getting my keys and everything.
Chris watched me confused

Chris : where are you going

Matt's pov
His voice was depressing and his eyes were red and puffy.

Matt: I'm going to jades it's an emergency.

Chris : are you seriously going to her house after she literally cheated on me. Wow Matt

Matt: first of al she didn't cheat that guy was drunk and he kissed her. Second of all you need to fix things. I don't have time for this she needs my help.

Chris: let me come with you.

Matt: fine let's go now we need to hurry.

Matt and Chris got in the van before Matt sped off worriedly.

Five minutes later they made it to jades.

She was sat hunched in a ball crying and gasping for air.

Matt came up to her hugging her.

Matt : hey it's ok I'm here now. Do what I taught you. Just breathe and focus on things around the room to relax.

Jades pov
Matt rushed in the room and embraced me in a hug . He told me to breathe and do what he taught me.

One thing I can see.
I looked around and saw Matt

I began to take deep breaths but still kinda shaky.

One thing I can hear.

Midnight purring

One thing I'm touching


My breathing became steady and slow.I hugged Matt tight sobbing.I looked up and saw Chris . His eyes were red and he looked sad.

He ran over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. He looked worried.

I began talking to Chris

Jade: Chris about the party it's a big misunderstanding. I didn't cheat the guy kissed me and I couldn't get away.

Chris: no need to explain I forgive you Matt told me abt it.

Jades pov
I hugged Chris tighter, a tear sipping down my cheek. I felt him slowly and carefully playing with my hair.

Jade: so does this mean we're good again.

Chris : yes Jade

Jade: I love you

Chris : I love you too.

Jades pov
Before I knew it Chris cupped the side of my face and kissed me soft and passionate.

Matt: you guys do know I'm still here right.

We all laughed and I hugged Matt again.

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