Chapter 4: movie night

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Jades pov:
We arrived at my apartment and matt parked the van. We all hopped out and walked into my apartment. We were greeted by my cat midnight. She's all all black cat with green eyes. She rubbed her self against mea as she walked around my legs purring. The group sat on the couch while I began to get some snacks I started making popcorn when Chris came into the kitchen to help. We ended up with a tray of snacks containing popcorn, Pepsi, sour patch kids, Twix, redbulls and other snacks.
I brought the tray to the living room and put it on the coffee table infront of the L shaped couch the group was sitting on. We decided on watching the it movie. Me and Chris were sitting together Rory and Matt together and nick and Dominic together. Me and Chris shared a blanket while he cracked a can of Pepsi open as the movie began. Georgie was reaching for his boat when pennywise bit his arm off . I jumped and grabbed on to Chris, hiding my face in his chest without realizing . I quickly realized and apologized in embarrassment. Chris didn't seem to mind and instead joked about how I got scared easily. I couldn't help but laugh with him. It felt so wrong liking my best friend after he got out of a toxic relationship. It hurt so much to think that maybe he doesn't like me the same way I like him. A memory replayed in my head like it was yesterday.

October 23rd,2009
It was a cold autumn day. We were in elementary school,Me, nick, Matt, and Chris were playing at recess when Chris started teasing me. Nick spoke up simultaneously. Nick: Chris and Jade sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Eww both me and Chris said i unison. Matt spoke up. Matt: you have to promise you guys won't ever date . Me and Chris agreed . Chris spoke up. Chris: why would I ever like Jade she's my best friend. Jade: yeah that's never happening he's like a brother.

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Jades pov
I smiled lightly as I recalled this found memory of mine. If only young Jade knew what she was getting herself into now. She was almost halfway into breaking that promise. Who knows she thought maybe Matt had forgot all about it.

Jade looked over and saw Rory laying her head on Matt's shoulder they looked so cute together. Jade secretly wished that was her and Chris. But that's just a figure of her imagination she thought,Chris would never like her back. She sighed at the fact that Chris would probably never feel the same for her.
She began to doze off not realizing she fell asleep on Chris.

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