Chapter 17:awake

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Listen to die first by nessa barrett

It's been a couple days and Chris was now awake. Jade on the other hand was in a slight coma. His family would have to break the news to him that is if he had his memory.
Chris had awoken and his memory was not with him. The sturniolo family was heartbroken. The group was tore up about Chris and Jade.

Doctor: hey Chris I'm your doctor and you'll be able to go home with your family today. Chris was confused as if he was thinking of who the doctor was thinking about. The whole day he was confused when these people he couldn't remember told him that he was family or a friend.

After a couple weeks Chris's memory came back. But it was time his friends and family had to break the dreaded news to him.

Mary Lou : Chris we need to talk to you about something.

Chris : what is it.

Chris looked around confused as he saw jimmy,Marylou,nick,Matt,Dom, and Rory.

Marylou: while you were concussed Jade.... She tried to kill herself. Matt,rory,Dom,and nick found jade. She self harmed and she tried to overdose on pain meds.

Chris's pov
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My girlfriend tried to take her own life. I couldn't bare the thought of being without her. I was confused what brought to do that considering that she hasn't been suicidal. Then it hit me the crash.

Chris:is she ok

Marylou: that's the thing. From the blood loss and od she has been in a coma for two weeks.

Chris's pov
All of this sudden information flooding through my mind overwhelmed me.
I began to sob. I put my head n my hands I couldn't think of loosing Jade.

Mom embraced me in a hug while I sobbed.

Marylou: she was blaming what happened on herself when it wasn't her fault. She couldn't take the fear of loosing you. I'm assuming she couldn't take the risk of loosing you.

Marylou let go of Chris as Chris hugged his brothers and the rest of the group.

Marylou: we are gonna be visiting Jade today, the doctors said she's been doing better and she might wake up soon.

Everyone piled in the van and Rory's car heading to the hospital.

They made it to the hospital each of them visiting with jade.

Chris went first but exited almost immediately sobbing.

Matt and nick visited before exiting as well.

Dom and Rory visited then jimmy and Marylou.

Matt's pov
I was hurt at the sight of jade. I knew of her struggle with anxiety but I never knew she struggled from depression let alone being suicidal. I felt kinda hurt that she didn't talk to me about it. She trusts me with Everything.

Nicks pov
I was shocked seeing Jade at this lifeless state. I was shocked seeing her lifeless that day at her house but it's worse now. It hurt a lot knowing she was struggling.

Dominic's pov
Although me and Jade aren't as close as the others the situation still impacted me. She is still my friend and I care about her and her well being.

I was torn up seeing my bestfriend like this. She is my best friend in the whole wide world. I hoped and prayed that she would be ok. Al I can do now is wait. I can't imagine what Chris is feeling. If I was him I'd be distraught.

Chris's pov
I felt awful that she blamed herself for what happened to me. It wasn't at all her fault. But I was more upset that she would try to end it and leave me. I know she's struggling but it still hurts. I'm not mad but it hurts so much.
I hope she gets better I can't think of loosing her.

Marylous pov
I couldn't believe what was happening. I knew Jade since she was a young girl. I never knew she was struggling. I hope that she ends up safe and well.

Jimmys pov
I've known Jade ever since the boys were in kindergarten. I hope she pulls through and makes it. She doesn't deserve to die she so young and the boys need her especially Chris. He would be tore up with out her. He can't loose his best friend or his girlfriend

They all headed home after a couple hours.

They would return after a couple days they wouldn't be giving up on jade.

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