Chapter 7:its time

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Jades pov
I awoke the next morning on the couch with midnight. I went to go shower for school when I realized something, I was still wearing Chris's hoodie. I finished getting ready for school. I went out side, got in my car and left. In less than 5 minutes I arrived at Somerville high school. I parked my car and walked in. I was met with my friends at the usual spot we meet up before passing periods. I didn't realize I had Chris's hoodie still on till someone said something.

Random girl: nice hoodie

I looked down realizing it's Chris's. I took it off and went to hand it to him.

Jade: sorry I forgot to give it back last night.

Chris: keep it it looks better on you.

Jades pov
I cant help but smile at him. I put the hoodie back on.

The day of school was pretty good besides people asking if I was dating Chris. They recognized I was wearing his signature hoodie.

I said no to all of them but damn did I wish they were right.

After school everyone met up at the triplets house to hang out.

When I walked in I was greeted by Trevor. He was walking around me wagging his tail. I bent down and petted him before walking away. I made my way to Chris's room where everyone was at. I saw Chris and Matt on stream with some girl who I didn't know. The rest of the group was sat around the room doing their own thing. I heard Chris on the stream say the name Madi so I assumed that was her name. She looked so pretty I couldn't help but to be slightly jealous. Chris kept smiling at her and sharing glances back and forth.

( I'm talking about the stream when they are roleplaying as Clyde and stuff)

I couldn't help but feel kinda jealous. She is so much prettier than me. I leaned over to nick whispering in his ear. Jade: does Chris like madi. Nick: no there just friends. Hearing nicks response made me feel a lot better. I walked over to where Matt and Chris were and sat down but the computer. Madi looked up and smiled at me. Madi: your so pretty my names madi. Jade: Thank you my names Jade. Madi: oh so your the Jade the boys always talk about, we'll mostly Chris. You're can prettier than I thought. Jade: awe thx. Me and madi continued to talk and get to know each other. I  learned Madi's known the triplets for a year because her moms their manager. I learned she lives in la I hope to meet her In person one day.
I remembered what madi said earlier she said Chris talks about me. I wonder if she means like a friend. I remembered madi gave me her number so I texted her.


Hey I was just wondering what you meant earlier when you said Chris talks about me a lot.

Dw he only talks about you in good ways.I think he might like you

I hope so because I like him and I'm scared to get rejected and ruin the friendship.

Girl just tell him I don't think it will ruin the friendship. You are to beautiful to reject.

Awe thx

Jades pov
Maybe madi, nick, and Matt are right. Maybe Chris does like me. I need to tell him . I need to talk to him in private somehow.

I got up and walked over to Chris

Jade: hey Chris can we talk in private somewhere it's important, I need to tell you something.

Chris: yeah sure is everything ok.

Jade: yeah

We walked out of the room and he followed me to nicks room before I closed the door.

I sat on nicks bed next to Chris before taking a deep breath.

Jade: ok so what I'm about to tell you is something that I can't keep a secret anymore. I've been keeping it from you for the longest time. I just need to tell you now. Chris we've been friends for our whole life's but. She paused. I like you,I have for two years. I backed off when you got with Harper. I don't want to rush you into anything ,but I just needed to get that off my chest.I know you probably don't like me back,which is fine. But I decided to tell you because I've been keeping this a secret for two years .I was scared it would ruin our friendship. You don't need to answer me now, you can think about it. Sorry I know that's a lot to take in.

Chris was silent his expression blank and confused. He looks shocked as if I told him a lie. He begins to speak but pauses as if he doesn't know what to say.

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