Chapter 9:are you happy now

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Time skip it's been a week sense what happened between Chris and Jade.

Jades pov
I started to feel a little bit better but I was still upset about Chris. I love Chris so much.

I cleared my head of Chris not trying to get upset again.

I had an idea I was gonna make my own yt channel .I always wanted to make my own channel because I always filmed with the boys.

With nicks help I made my channel.

Me nick and Rory went to target to get my own vlogging camera and SIM cards.

I ended up getting a decent sized camera to start out with.

I ended up getting a decent sized camera to start out with

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We arrived back from target.
We deciding to continue watching the vampire diaries. We were just chilling for what seemed like ten minutes when there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and there stand Chris with a bouquet of flowers. He had my favorite flowers red roses. I was about to slam the door in his face when he spoke up.

Jades pov
I couldn't believe Chris was at my house. I had mixed feelings. I was happy because he brought me flowers and looked like he wanted to talk. I was mad because well I was still upset about him breaking my heart.

Chris pov
Jade opened the door she looked as though she was in thought. She looked like she was blazing with anger before trying to slam the door in my face. I spoke up.

Chris: I just want to talk Jade.

Jade reluctantly opened the door wider and let Chris in.

Chris's pov
When I walked in I saw Rory and nick sat on the couch with midnight. Nick was rubbing midnights belly when he looked over and noticed my presence. Rory looked over aswell.

Me and Jade walked to her room before she shut the door.

We both sat on the bed and began to talk.

Chris: Jade I'm so sorry for last week. What I did was unfair. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I do love you so much. I'm sorry for what I did I was just scared that I'd mess it up with you and loose you forever. I know that doesn't change what I did but I just don't know what I'd do without you. At this point Chris was sobbing.

Jade wiped away his tears before engulfing him in a tight hug. Jade was now crying aswell.
Jade softly moved her fingers through Chris's hair while hugging him.

They pulled apart

Chris : do you forgive me.

Jade: I forgive you, I understand how you feel. I don't know what I would do if I lost you either.

Chris put his hand on jades chin before leaning in and pressing his lips on hers. The kiss was amazing Chris's lips were so soft and he smelt like heaven. The kiss lasted for a couple seconds. Chris was smiling into the kiss before he pulled away.

Jade smiled at Chris before hugging him once more.

Chris handed her the roses. she put them in a vase ,and filled it with water from her bathroom sink.

Jade was unbelievably happy her dream had finally came true. No more did she have to hide her feelings. She was finally with the boy she had loved for 2 years.

Chris was ecstatic he was scared that she wouldn't forgive him. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. Jade is the most beautiful girl In the world to him. Words couldn't describe the love he felt for her.

Jade returned with the vase before putting it on top of her dresser.

She turned to Chris who had gotten up from his current position.

Chris spoke up realizing she had returned.

Chris: can I ask you something.

Jade: yeah of course, what is it.

Chris paused before speaking. He took a deep breath.

Chris: Jade will you be my girlfriend.

Jades pov
I felt butterflies in my stomach when I heard Chris speak.

I smiled before responding.

Jade: yes

Chris walked over to me and cupped my face. He gently but passionately kissed me. I kissed back while my arms were around his neck. After a few seconds we pulled away. I was smiling with a slight blush across my face.

Me and Chris walked out to be met by the whole group in my living room.

Jade: when did you all get here.

Nick: like five minutes ago I texted them. They wanted to know why Chris left the house for 30 minutes while they were hanging out. And we'll everyone wanted to know if you and Chris were good.

The whole group looked at me and Chris. Me and Chris were smiling at each other like idiots.

They must have got the hint as they all started smiling too.

Nick: so you guys are official?

Jade: yeah

Nick and Rory ran over to me and we were jumping and squealing like little girls.

Jade: guess what I did guys.

Chris: oh no what did you do Jade

Jade: nothing bad it's good.

Matt: ok what is it.

Rory: yeah what is it.

Jade: nick helped me make a YouTube channel and I got a camera and everything.

Dominic: that's so cool now you can make videos and you can collab with the boys.

After a while we all begin watching movies.
We were all seated comfortably on my L shaped couch. Snacks were crowded all over my coffee table as were were arguing about what to watch. We ended up deciding on watching 10 things I hate about you. Well the majority decided, me, nick, Rory, and dom.
We forced Matt and Chris to watch what they call a girly movie.

We were enjoying the movie when I had an idea.

Jade: we should have a sleepover.
Everyone agreed in unison.

After awhile it got late. Rory and Matt went to sleep cuddling on one side of the couch. Nick and dom took the other side of the couch.

I decided that Chris could share my bed with me. Chris put on his pjs he was wearing sweats and a fresh love hoodie. I was wearing spandex and a fresh love hoodie as well.

We fell asleep cuddling. I was laying my head on his chest while he had an arm around me.

Sorry if this is a shitty chapter. I cried making this. 😭😭 I would appreciate it if I was notified if there are any errors.

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