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Today Matt and Chris had a lacrosse game.
( sorry idk when lacrosse season is)

Me, Rory Dom, and nick piled into my car. We made it to the school ten minutes later.

We headed to the stands before sitting. The boys were warming up. I was wearing Chris's extra jersey. Rory was wearing Matt's extra one.

I looked down and I locked eyes with Chris. I smiled and waved. He noticed the jersey and smirked.

The boys began playing.  Chris got the ball and began running with it. He swinged his net and made a goal. I cheered and clapped.

The rest of the game was good. Matt and Chris pretty much dominated the field. They ended up winning.

Me and rory went down.

Jade: you did great Chris.

Chris went to hug me but in stopped him.

Chris: right I forgot about that.

Matt and Chris headed to the showers.

Me and Rory just sat in my car listening to music while we waited for the boys.

Not long after the boys were back.
I got out of my car before hugging Chris and giving him a peck on the lips. Rory gave matt a hug and kissed him as well.

Chris lifted me from the waist and spun me around in a circle.

We all got in my car before heading home.

Short chapter Ik I'm having writting block rn I'm struggling with ideas atm

Falling : Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now