Chapter 8:pain

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Chris's pov
I looked at Jade shocked. I didn't know what to say. I did love jade but, I wasn't ready for a relationship just yet. It's not because I'm not over Olivia, I am it's just I don't want to mess up and ruin our friendship in the mix.

I began to speak carefully not wanting to hurt Jade.

Chris: I like you to jade...

Jades pov
Hearing him say he liked me to made me smile. He paused before speaking again

But I'm not ready for a relationship. Its not because of of olivia. It's just I don't want to break your heart and ruin our friendship. I don't even think I'm good enough for you.

Jade: your are good enough.  you won't break my heart and loose me. I love you Chris and I'm not letting you go. Don't throw your chance of love away for what ifs.

At this point Jade was crying.

Chris wiped her tear before apologizing once more.

Jade swiftly got up and left the room.
By now she was breaking down. Tears flooded down her face as her eyes became red and her vision was flooded and blurry.

She walked through the kitchen before announcing she was leaving to the group.

The group was now sat in the kitchen talking before hearing what had sounded like arguing. Soon after Jade ran out crying.

They looked shocked as Jade doesn't cry that often unless something really hurt her.

Matt got up followed by nick

Nick and Matt walked over to her trying to comfort her .

Nick: are you ok

Matt: what happened

Jade: I don't want to talk about it rn but thank you for asking I'm gonna go home.

She walked out the door before getting in her car and driving home.

She drove home while sobbing her eyes out. Her vision was so flooded she was barely able to see while she was driving.

She made it home before rushing to her room.
She flopped on her bed and cuddled midnight.
She ended up crying herself to sleep.

Chris's pov
I fucked up I thought. I did love her and want to be with her . I'm just truly so scared of what will happen if I give in and love her.

I walked out of nicks room before being met with many eyes. The whole group was staring at we apart from jade.

Matt spoke up

Matt: what the hell happened jade ran out of here balling her eyes out.

I sat down by the island before speaking up.

Chris : I made a huge mistake. I pushed Jade away in fear that it would ruin our friendship. I do love her but I'm scared.

Matt: if you love her you should try. I don't think your friendship would be ruined Jade wouldn't push you away.

I remembered what Jade had said earlier " I'm not letting you go".

I put my head in my hands before breaking down.

I had failed jade. How is she gonna forgive me I thought. I ruined my chance with being with her.

Nick spoke up

Nick: I get your scared but you just broke her fucking heart you dumbass.

Matt: yeah she was pretty upset when she left.

Rory looked at me pissed. I can understand why considering jade is her best friend.

I got up and walked to my room before trying to call Jade. I had no luck.

Jades pov
When I woke up it was around 5 pm. I felt like shit. My eyes were red and sore and I looked like  a wreck.

I got out of my bed when I heard my doorbell ring.

It was Rory and nick.

I was happy to see them it I didn't want them to see me like this.

They both gave me a hug before walking in.

They managed to cheer me up. We were watching the vampire diaries my favorite show, for what seemed like all day.

We ended up having a sleepover and I felt so much better. I'm lucky to have nick and Rory.

I got endless calls and texts from Chris but I ignored them all.

It was now 11pm I went to sleep cuddling midnight.

Sorry this chapter is short and boring but I don't want to rush Jade and Chris together that fast. Sorry if this chapter is shit

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