Chapter 19:visitors

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Tw this chapter talks about mental health and other topics.

When I awoke I saw many faces staring back at me with worry.

I saw Chris, surprisingly I thought he was still mad at me, maybe not.

I saw Rory clinging on to Matt. They looked just as shocked as I thought they would.

I saw Dominic and nick sitting in the corner nick was sobbing. Then I saw jimmy and Marylou in the corner aswell.

Matt and Rory came up and hugged me.

Jade: I'm sorry for everything. I started crying.

Matt and Rory comforted me as they understood I was struggling.

Rory: it's ok it's not your fault. Your going to get the help you need.

What Rory said ringed through my mind.
Your going to get the help you need.
Help you need
Help you need.

I knew she meant that in a supportive way but it made me feel different and like I'm crazy.

I felt alienated to my own friends.

Nick embraced me in a hug we were both sobbing.

He pulled away and Dominic gave me a hug aswell.

Marylou and jimmy gave me a hug before Marylou began talking to me.

Marylou: it's gonna be ok we all love you and it's going to get better I promise. They'll help you.

The only person that was left was Chris. He stood there and didn't move. He must be still mad at me. I understand why he would be I kept my mental health a secret. He still showed up so I guess it couldn't be the worst. I hope to be able to fix things with him.I can't stand him being mad at me or possibly ruining our relationship .

After a couple minutes everyone left.

The doctors brought me to the second floor of the hospital. They took away Almost everything from me. My phone, my shoelaces, my razors, pretty much anything that I can use to harm myself.

They made me dress in gowns before sending me to my own room.

The lights were bright and the room was all white. There were no door knobs,no locks, no windows. The room look foreign. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I decided to just take a nap since there was nothing else to do.

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