Chapter sixteen:fuck

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Listen to noose by message Barrett
Listen to scare myself by message Barrett
Listen to I wanna die by message barrett

(Idk why but wattpad won't let me put my music videos in my chapter.)

(Warning this chapter contains serious Tw viewer discretion advised ⚠️⛔️)

The next day I was on my channel looking at how it did. I got one million views. I started looking at the comments

She's so pretty
She's funny
Her and the triplets are the best together
I love her lol
She's ugly
She's so annoying
She's using the triplets
The triplets deserve better

Some of the comments were nice and some were just awful. I tried to not let the comments get to me but they did.  I was upset.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.
It was Chris. I let him in before giving him a big hug. I think he sensed something was wrong.

Chris: hey what's wrong

Jade: I was looking at some comments and some of them were just awful.

He lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.

Chris: hey don't listen to those comments you are a beautiful amazing person and they are just jealous.

I smiled before kissing Chris. The kiss lasted about 5  seconds it was more passionate then any other kiss we've shared. I pulled away shortly after and I just stared up at Chris and admired what I saw. Chris is the best person I could ever have in my life. He's so caring and thoughtful. I love him so much.

Me and Chris decided to go somewhere.
We got in my car and I gave Chris the aux cord.
He started playing super star shit by Dominic fike. We were both singing and enjoying ourselves. After a couple minutes we made it to canes to get some food. We ordered and ate before heading back home. There was this guy in front of me driving. He was pissing me off. He kept slamming on his brakes in front of me.
I stayed cautious and focused on safe distance behind him.he slammed on his brakes once more and I hit him on accident. I didn't mean to it was his fault not mine. My head slammed on the steering wheel before everything started to blur. I remember calling out to Chris who was passed out before everything went black.

An ambulance arrived at the scene getting both Jade and Chris.

They arrived shortly at the hospital.

Chris was still passed out. He had cuts and bruises on his face. Jade was awake now and she had a concussion.

Before she knew it she started to break down in tears. She was blaming herself for what had happened to Chris. She began hyperventilating before it started to go blurry she saw a familiar face. It was Matt he noticed her state and helped her calm down. She looked over and saw nick,Dom,Rory,jimmy, and marylou.

Everyone looked sad . It looked as though they were all giving her sympathetic smiles.

Jade was embraced with a hug from Rory.
Jade began to break down again sobbing uncontrollably.

Jade: it's all my fault. I didn't mean for this to happen. If I had just turned and went the long way home. She began sobbing uncontrollably.

Mary Lou gave her a hug

Mary lou: none of this is your fault it's that idiot drivers fault. It's gonna be okay. She soothed as she rubbed my back.

At this point my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I couldn't believe what happened.I couldn't believe that Chris was hurt because of me.even though it's not my fault I can't help but feel guilty. I can't help but think it's my fault. I only had a slight concussion. The doctor said Chris has a severe concussion from hitting his head on the dash. The doctor even said he might have memory loss for a while.
What if he didn't remember me.

I stared blankly zoning out. I zoned out staring out the window. Everyone was looking at me concerned.

The doctor came back

Doctor:Chris still isn't awake but if you would like to see him you may.

They all looked at me.

Jade: you guys can go first your family.

They all took their turns visiting Chris.

Marylou and jimmy went first. Then Matt, then nick and Dom. Then Rory. I was the last one left I couldn't bare the see him in that state I would just break down again. But I told myself I needed to anyway. I got up and went in. I sat down in the chair next to him while I held his hand. I teared up at the sight in front of me. He was laying unconscious on the bed. His face covered in bruises and cuts. He looked almost lifeless and that scared me. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out in tears. My car was totaled so I couldn't drive home. Jimmy and marylou gave me a ride home.


I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. I kept thinking about Chris and how everything was my fault.

No one knows this but I struggle with depression as well  as anxiety know one knows about  the depression. I got out a razor blade and began to cut myself. The sting was pleasing. The crimson blood was nice to look at. I knew I deserved this. Tears of pain slipped down my face but I liked the pain. This way I could finally feel something. I didn't stop there I swallowed many pills I could find.
I went to sleep and that was the last thing i could remember.

Rory's pov
Me,Matt, nick, and Dom made our way over to jades to check on her. We opened the door with the spare key she gave us. We called out for her but no answer.We walked in her room it looked as though she was sleeping. We tried to wake her up but no response was made. I began to shake her, nothing. I moved the covers and that's when I saw it. Many cuts deep and small were on her wrists. Matt began to panic.

Matt: someone call 911.

Nick called 911

Rory's pov
I continued to examine her when I saw an empty bottle of pain meds on her bed.( I don't know if you can overdose on that)

Matt looked panicked as well as Dom. Matt was sobbing.

After 5 minutes the ambulance arrived. We met our parents at the hospital and told them what happened. They were both shocked. They never thought Jade would do something like that.

Jade was passed out because of blood loss and the overdose she had. She wasn't dead but she was barely there. She almost killed herself.
She must have thought that was the only answer because of what happened to Chris.

Sorry if the TW affected you but I put a warning in advance. Will jade and Chris be ok?
Will Chris find out?
Will Jade live?
I hope you liked this chapter
Please let me know if there are spelling errors.

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