Chapter 20:hell hole

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I awoke to the bright lights blinding me in the eyes. It wasn't a dream I was met with the same bland white walls. Everything about this place gave me a bad vibe. I hate it here already. I miss my friends and I miss Chris even though he's mad at me. Before I knew it someone walked into my room. It was a nurse. She gave me the food and it looked like prison slop. ( mind you I've never been to a mental hospital so some information might be false) The doctor observed me eat so I didn't hurt myself. I don't know how I would my silverware is plastic. I finished eating and the nurse left. After awhile it was free time. I went into the cafeteria to be met with many people.there I saw people doing all sorts of things from board games,to talking, to drawing.I sat down on a couch and began to sketch. Although many nurses where watching me like a hawk. They probably thought I would hurt myself with the pencil. I began sketching random objects just anything to cure my boredom.after a while I was sent back to my room. There was nothing again. I decided to go to bed. Boy was this going to be a long two weeks.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. Sometimes I feel like a shitty writer.

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