Chapter2: fuck you

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I woke up to my alarm clock going off.  7am it read. I got up out of bed only to be met with an awful pounding headache. I got up and put on a hoodie and sweats. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun before getting my book bag and heading to school.

Chris's pov I woke up and felt heartbroken. I still was having a hard time with the fact that olivia cheated on me. I deciding to take the day off and relax. I didn't want to see Olivia's face or hear her excuses. My thoughts were interrupted by a ding. I received a text message.

                                 Jade 🤷‍♀️💅

  Jade 🤷‍♀️💅
Hey Chris where are you?
               I'm not coming today because of Olivia

Ok I get it

Jades pov
I walked into school hungover asf . I walked i with Matt, Rory , nick , and Dominic we all went out separate ways in between passing period. I was on my way to English when I heard hushed voices around the corner. I made it passed the corner and I saw Olivia and one of her bitchy friends . Halfway walking pass them I heard Olivia say she was going to try and get chris back.

Olivia : I made a mistake at the party kissing another guy and me and Chris broke up but I'm going to try and win him back.

I paused in my tracks shocked at the audacity of this girl. She cheated on Chris and broke his heart and she has the audacity to try and get him to forgive her.

Jade : you don't deserve another chance with Chris after what you did I blurted out shockingly out of anger.

Olivia snapped her attention towards me and scoffed.
Olivia : how do you know what's best for him.

Jade: because he's my best fucking friend and he doesn't deserve to be treated like how you treat him. He deserves someone better who won't cheat on him. 

Olivia : oh really like who you.

I was shocked with her response Chris has always been my bestfriend. I never thought of   Chris in any other way until he started dating Olivia. I was always jealous of Olivia Chris deserved better. I started to have a crush on him last year but no one knows.

Jade:  I don't like Chris I just want what's best for him.

Olivia: we'll it's none of your business who Chris dates.

Jade: your right you guys broke up though wake tf up.

People started to gather around watching us argue back and forth in between passing period.

Before I knew it Olivia slapped me across the face. I was shocked for a minute before punching her square in the nose. Blood started streaming down her nose. She tried pulling at my hair like a crazy woman before I pushed her against a locker, I began to punch her in the face repeatedly. She got out from against the lockers somehow and pushed me to the ground tackling me. I looked over to the audience of people only to see nick, Rory, Matt, nick, Dominic, and Chris mixed into the crowd. I looked back and snapped back against her grip on me. I kicked her in the gut getting her off of me. I stood up  before punching her once more in the face. She punched me back slightly splitting my lip. Before she got the chance to swing again I tackled her to the ground, punching her repeatedly before getting pulled off by the principal and separated  from her.

I got dragged away with Olivia ,blood running down my lip to my chin, my expression cold.
The crowd of people and my friends expressions were shocked.

Before I knew it I was in the principals office  both me and Olivia were suspended for 2 days.

I got a notification on my way to my car. It was the gc.

                    The gays and Allie's💅🫶

Rory 🦋😭
Wtf happened?....

                                   Yeah what happened

Yeah you beat her tf up

So basically Olivia was talking about getting Chris back after she literally broke his heart. So I beat her tf up because of that and because she was being a bitch to me.

As you should I hated that bitch for how she treated Chris.



      I hope  Chris isn't mad I was only defending him.

You never know with chris tbh

Me personally I wouldn't be mad  because you defended me ,but knowing Chris he's probably gonna be pissed because they just broke up.

Did you guys seriously forget I'm in this gc ?

Are you mad abt what happened between me and Olivia?

Chris 😏🫦
No I'm not mad after all you had a good reason and besides we broke up. Your also my best friend so Ik you wouldn't lie.

Jades pov
I cringed when I read the word friend. Ofc that was all I was to him. Ik he and Olivia had just broken up but it won't change the way I feel for him. I'm not going to confess because he just got out of a toxic relationship . After all I've liked him for 2 years even before he started dating Olivia I was just too scared to tell him in fear of ruining our friendship.

Back to the gc

Gays and Allie's💅🫶

Jade 🤷‍♀️
If you need anything just let me know.

Chris's pov
I stared at the gc in a deep sense of realization.
Olivia was never a good girlfriend she was really toxic. I was blinded by my love for her so much that I would let her treat me wrong. It may have been toxic but I really loved her. But it's a good thing we're broken .I deserve better in time when I'm ready to love someone again, someone who will not only treat me right but also be way better than Olivia ever was.

Jades pov
I made it home and parked my car.
Luckily I live by myself so my parents can't get mad at me anymore. When I first turned 18 years old I moved out. I got a job and saved money until I moved into a one bedroom apartment. I remember when I was younger I would always dream of the day I turned 18 to move out. Now I'm moved out and I don't have to deal with my toxic family. I got in my pjs and went to bed.

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