Chapter five: haunted

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I awoke the next morning the sun lightly kissing my face. I looked over and saw Chris still sleeping next to me.  Everyone else scattered around the living room sleeping. I've felt haunted with my thoughts lately. All my thoughts have been about Chris it's driving me crazy. I try to drown away the constant thoughts of Chris but nothing helps. All I can picture is his beautiful smile, his wavy hair, and his handsome face every time i am around him. It's hard to not think about  someone you love when your constantly haunted with thoughts about them.
It felt like I was sitting on the couch for ages admiring how handsome Chris looked in his sleep. Instead I got up and headed to my room to get dressed and ready for the day. I scavenged around in my closet for a good while,before picking out an outfit and hopping in the shower.

Your outfit👇

I curled my hair and applied some light makeup before heading to the kitchen

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I curled my hair and applied some light makeup before heading to the kitchen. I made sure to feed midnight before beginning to make breakfast for everybody. I decided to make a couple things for breakfast. I started making waffles, pancakes, and French toast. In the middle of cooking Chris awoke and quietly made his way to the kitchen. He was standing behind me before peeking his head over my should to see what I was making. The closeness of him gave me butterflies. I blushed lightly at his closeness as I felt his warm breath on my neck. He walked away as I started to plate everything. He sat down on the island watching my actions carefully. The group started waking up to the smell of the breakfast. In no time at All everyone was sitting around the island enjoying breakfast. Me and Chris were sat next to each other as the group ate. Rory spoke up.

Rory: what should we do today .

Jade: i don't have any ideas.

Nick: we should go to the mall.

Jade : I'm down.

Matt: that sounds fun.

Chris : I'm down.

Dominic: that sounds good with me.

Chris: who's driving then. Chris looked between me and Matt. (Me and Matt are the only ones with licenses out of the group.)

Jades pov
Chris looked back and forth between me and Matt. I didn't want Matt to drive sense he's always driving us everywhere.

Jade: I'll drive.

Everyone went to get ready while I sat on the couch with midnight and stroked her soft fur.

Matt, Chris, and Dominic got done fairly early. Only Rory and nick were left to finish getting ready.

I unlocked my phone and began to text nick


Hey nick can I talk to you when you done.

Yeah ofc is everything ok?

Yeah just something I need to get off my chest.
I think we also need to involve Matt in the convo as well .

                     Jades pov
I headed to my room and not Long after nick and Matt walked in. I got up and locked the door. I sat on my bed next to nick and Matt.

Jade: so I've been wanting to talk to you guys about  something important I just don't know how to say it.

Nick: what is it

Matt : yeah whatever it is we are still your bestfriends .

I....I.. um I .... I like Chris

Both nick and Matt look at her with shocked expressions as if they've seen a ghost.

Nick: that's a funny joke Jade.

Matt: you almost got me.

Jade looks serious as she replies

Jade: I'm being serious.

Nick snaps his attention back to Jade with a shocked expression written all over his face.

Matt: I can't believe it.

Jade: look Ik he's my best friend and he's your brother.I'm sorry Ik he just got over Olivia and he's my best friend but I can't help that I like him.

By now both boys are shocked.

Nick : no need to be sorry I'm just shocked because you and Chris have always been just a best friends.

Matt: I'm not mad I'm just shocked aswell but I would give it sometime. other than that I think you should go for it.

Jade: I love him so much and I'm willing to wait for him to get over Olivia. I'm just scared of rejection or ruining our friendship. I don't want to make it awkward.

Nick: that's understandable but I would wait a couple weeks than go for it.

Jade gave both Matt and nick a hug before they left jades room.

Rory: what took you guys so long I was starting to think you forgot.

Jade: oh it's nothing just something I had to do real quick.

They all exit jades house and get in Matt's car sense jades car doesn't have enough room.

Chris sits upfront with Jade. Behind me and Chris,is Matt and Rory and In the very back is Chris and Dominic.

Chris connects to the aux cord as Jade pulls out of the driveway, she begins to drive to the mall.

Throw som mo by by Rae sremmurd , Nicki minaj, and young thug starts to play.

The sun sets in the distance as the song slowly fades out.

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