Chapter 3: would you rather

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Jades pov
I woke up the sunlight peaking through my curtains, softly illuminating the room. I looked over at my alarm clock it was 12 am yikes I slept in a lot. Today is Saturday I get unsuspended Monday. I miss my friends although I didn't mind the free vacation from school. I got up and got ready for the day. I got some clothes and hopped in the shower.  Afterwards I got dressed, did my hair, and put on some light makeup, by now the time was 3 o clock. I sat mindlessly on my bed scrolling through Instagram. I received a notification it was nick.

Hey Jade  would you want to be in a YouTube video tonight?

                                                                Jade 🤷‍♀️
                        Ofc im always down what time.

6pm Matt will pick you up.

                                                             Ok bet

Jades pov
I went back on my socials trying to pass time until Matt and the others pick me up.

I walk outside my apartment. I grab my keys and get in the van. I sit next to Chris, and Matt begins to drive. After 5 minutes Matt pulls in to a vacant parking lot and we set up the camera ready to film.

We begin filming
Nick: hey guys welcome back today we are doing a q&a. We have some special guests jade, Rory and Dominic. Ok on with the video.
First question would you rather not shower for a year or not brush your teeth for a year.

Jade: that's a hard one ngl cause both are very important.


Jade: but I would say not brush my teeth

Rory: same

Dominic: same

Matt : this should be an easy one for Chris considering he doesn't shower much.

We all laugh but Chris.

Chris: stfu tf do you mean I do shower bozo.

Nick :barely

Chris: oh I'm sorry mr clean.

Nick: I'm not mr clean your just Mr dirty.

Matt: anyways next question.

Nick: would you rather shower with your siblings or never see them again.

Jade: I don't have siblings so I don't have to worry abt that.

Rory: I would rather never see him again considering he's 8

Dominic: I would shower with my brother.

Nick: I would shower with Matt and Chris.

Chris: I would but it would be weird. But I would miss my Matty bear.

Matt: that's weird asf never say that again.

Nick: would you rather never cut your toenails or never cut your hair.

Jade: never cut my hair.

Rory: never cut my hair.

Nick: never cut my hair.

Matt: never cut my hair.

Dominic: never cut my toenails because my toenails aren't bad.

That's nasty Jade says

Chris: me personally never cut my hair because I always need to clip my toenails because long toenails are disgusting.

Nick: ooh this is a juicy question.

Jade: what is it.

Nick: would you rather date someone in this friend group or get back together with your ex.

Rory: date someone in this room.

Matt smiles but no one recognizes

Jade: date someone in this room because my ex was an asshole.

Nick: well I never dated anyone so I'll go with date someone in this room ig.

Matt: I'll say someone in this room.

Rory freezes at what Matt said does he like her bsf Jade she though?

Chris: I'd rather date someone in this room than get back together with Olivia she was toxic and I deserved better.

Matt's pov
in his head I was wondering who Chris would date certainly not Rory he thought knowing he has a thing for her. Does Chris like Jade he thought. Well it is a hypothetical question and he just got over a breakup it's probably nothing.

Dominic: me personally I would date someone else in this room. My ex was very manipulative.

Nick. Well that's the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed it we'll see you this Wednesday at 5 bye guys.

Matt grabs the camera and screams into it, the camera cuts.

Jade: we should go to McDonalds.

Everyone agrees and Matt begins to drive. Rory connects to the aux and begins to play stir fry by migos and everyone begins to jam out.

Jade starts singing along with the song

Jade : in the kitchen wrist twisting like it's stir fry. Chris joins in and they sing together and everyone just laughs at them singing.

Matt pulls up to McDonald's and goes through the drive through before ordering and parking.
They all eat their food and head to jades house for a movies night considering it's the weekend.

Sorry for the short chapter I would appreciate if you notify me of any spelling errors so I can fix it. If you have any ideas leave them in the comments.

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