Chapter 14: christmas

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Ik it's not Christmas but who cares.

Me and the rest of the group decided to spend Christmas together this year. We would go to the triplets for Christmas the to mine for a
movie night.

I got in my car before driving to the triplets house. I was so excited to see Chris and give him his gifts.

After 5 minutes I arrived.

I walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened almost immediately. I was met with Mary Lou.

Mary Lou's smiled before letting me in.

Mary Lou: hi dear, it's nice to see you.

Jade: it's nice to see you too.

I hugged Mary Lou before being met by Trevor.

He was running around in circles around me excitedly.

I lent down before petting him.

When I stood back up I was met with Chris.

He greeted me before pulling me into a hug.

Chris: you made it.

Jade: yeah I did.

I looked back up at him after I pulled away. He gently tucked my hair behind my ear before kissing me.

After a couple seconds I pulled away blushing. I looked over into the kitchen and Mary lou was smiling at the sight.

It was nice it was uncomfortable at all.

I walked to the living room and sat with the rest of the group.

Mary lou: kids dinner's ready.

Jades pov
We walked into the kitchen and it smelt amazing. The food looked tasty. It was your average Christmas dinner. There was ham, rolls, green bean casserole, baked yams, you know the basic stuff. But I knew it was gonna be better than average since Mary Lou cooked it. Boy was she an excellent cook.

We all sat at the table.
Me and Chris sat next to each other.
Matt and Rory next to each other.
Nick and Dom next to each other.
And Mary Lou and jimmy next to each other.

We Began to eat and it was so delicious.

Everyone emerged in conversation. I was the only one not talking. I didn't know what to say. I felt like the odd one out . My anxiety started kicking in, I started picking at my fingers under the table. Chris noticed and grabbed my hand under the table holding it.
I looked down and smiled. I was happy I had Chris to help me. I didn't feel so alone know that Chris and Matt knew abt my anxiety.
The rest of dinner went by good. I started talking in the conversation and I wasn't so anxious.

After we ate we thanked Mary Lou and jimmy. We All headed out to my house. Me and Chris drove in my car and the rest of the group in Matt's van.

After 5 minutes we made it to my house.

We walked in and midnight strutted over before rubbing her self against Chris's legs. She began purring before Chris picked her up and held her.

Jade: looks like she likes you.

Chris: yeah she does

We exchanged gifts.
Chris got me some art supplies and books.

Matt got Rory a necklace and some perfume.

I got Chris a new necklace.

Rory got Matt some new ransom clothes and a new pair of earrings.

Dominic got nick some sweaters and anime posters.

Nick got Dominic some cologne and a new pair of shoes.

We all changed into our pjs before starting the movie night. We had hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies. We decided to watch the home alone movies you know the classics.

Everyone stayed over for a sleepover tonight.
The group slept in the living room. Me and Chris slept in my bed and cuddled.

Sorry if this chapter is boring.
I'm trying to come up with more ideas.

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