Origins: Rewritten - Part 1

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"I believe I have finally found my chosen heroes," said a wise, old man while stroking his beard thoughtfully.

The heroes in question were an aspiring fashion designer, a rich kid with daddy issues like you wouldn't believe, a kid who somehow always managed to get away with wearing a hat in school, an aspiring reporter who didn't have anyone to report to, and a nepo baby with too many psychological complexes to name at once.

Together, the five of them would become a truly great team of heroes, the likes of which hadn't been seen in quite some time.

And you won't see it for quite some time either, my dear reader.

And right here is where it all began.

Marinette came back home from her first day of school. "Well, at least that wasn't a total disaster," she said dejectedly, trying to convince herself not to drop out and be home-schooled for the rest of her life; For her parents' sake if nothing else.

Marinette sat down at her desk and sighed. She was about to lay her purse down on the desk when she noticed something inside it that she definitely didn't put there that morning.

She pulled out the tiny black box and examined it. It had a strange red and white symbol on the top.

She took a look inside, hoping to find out what was inside and who it belonged to so that she might be able to return it.

As she did, and pinkish ball of light quickly flew out of the box.

Marinette screamed and shot back, falling out of her chair in the process. She scrambled to get back up as the light started circling around her before flying into her purse. Marinette instinctively flung her purse against the wall and ran downstairs.

"Mama! Papa!"


Adrien had finally arrived back home. His attempt at going to school against his father's wishes was a complete failure.

And now he was grounded, not that it made any difference, he wouldn't have been allowed to leave his room regardless.

Adrien walked into his room and sat down on his couch. He looked up at the unnecessarily high ceiling and sighed, fidgeting with the bracelet on his wrist.

He looked down slightly and noticed something in front of him. On his table was a tiny, black box with a green and black symbol on top of it.

Adrien got up and looked around his room. When he didn't see anything else out of the ordinary he looked back at the box and picked it up.

He opened it up, because what else are you supposed to do in that situation? A green ball of light shot out of it and flew around the wide expanse of Adrien's room.

Adrien could only stare as the light zipped around faster and faster before flying directly at him. His fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, but both of them failed him, so he tried to shield himself with his arms instead.


Alya arrived back home, ready to do whatever it is that she does when she's not on-screen. She set her bag down and lay down on her bed.

She was about to start staring off into space for an indefinite amount of time like she always does while waiting for the writers to give her something to do., but then she noticed something small lying on her desk.

She got up, walked over, picked it up, and turned it around in her hands as she inspected it. It was a tiny, black box with an orange and white symbol on top of it.

She decided to check out whatever was inside. As she did a tiny, orange ball of light shot out and circled around her a few times.

Before Alya could react, the light flew toward her phone and seemed to disappear inside of it. Alya didn't know what to do when suddenly, her entire phone started shining a bright orange color.


Nino walked home alone, listening to...something. I don't know what. I don't think Nino even knows what he's listening to, honestly.

He arrived back home to find nobody there because the show still hadn't given him any parents yet, and went directly to his room.

He set his bag down and started hanging from the ceiling like a vampire. Because for all you know, that's what he does in his spare time. His hat didn't fall off though, because of course not.

He was getting ready for his daily hot sauce chugging session when he noticed a tiny, black box sitting on the saxophone that he'd had for his entire life.

Nino dropped down from the ceiling and picked the box up to get a closer look at it. He noticed that there was a green and white symbol on the top of it but he didn't know if that meant anything.

Nino opened up the box and a green ball of light shot out of it. Nino didn't know what to do so he just stood there as the light circled around him, flew up to his hat, and went inside of it.

Nino was still in shock as his hat started glowing green.


"I don't see anything," Sabine said as she looked through the pink purse.

"It must've flown out, it could still be hiding somewhere in this room," Marinette looked around nervously.

"Are you certain that you know what you saw?"

"Yes! Why would I make that up? The box is right here and everything!" she shouted, holding it up for her parents to see.

"Alright, alright," Sabine said, trying to reassure her, "I think you'll just have to hope that it left and it won't come back, whatever it was."

Marinette hung her head and sighed, "Yeah, I guess so." Both her parents went back downstairs and left Marinette alone in her room.

Marinette looked around to see if the light showed up again.

After some time, she gave up and fell backward onto her bed, feeling ridiculous.

"Greetings, Marinette," said a tiny voice on her desk.

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