Dark Cupid

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"And that, class, is why I recommend kissing as many people as possible. Because you never know when you might need to break someone free from an evil curse." Ms. Bustier finished her strange lecture on fairy tales that didn't seem to go anywhere.

The bell rang and everyone gathered their belongings and left. "And don't forget! Your homework for today is to kiss someone!" Ms. Bustier called after them. She always gave them the weirdest assignments. Half the class wasn't even sure that she was an actual teacher instead of just some crazy person who walked into the classroom one day and started talking.

"Operation Valentine's Days is commencing," Max announced, pushing up his glasses. "According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites, this particular jewel was ranked highest in popularity."

Max held out a heart-shaped box. Kim grabbed it and looked inside, revealing a yellow brooch covered in several blue gems of different sizes. "This is perfect, Max! I'd better hit a home-run with this one! Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out, but if you aim right you'll hit it out of the ball park!"

"Lovely metaphor, Kim."


Alya and Marinette sensed romantic gossip in the air and suddenly appeared behind Kim. "Woah, who's that for? Is it for me?" Alya asked, teasingly.

Max answered for him. "Negative, Alya. The recipient of this gem has already been determined, it's-" Kim quickly interrupted Max by grabbing him and putting his hands over his mouth.

"Shhh! Keep that on the down low!" Kim hissed.

"Oooohhh~. Kim's got a crush! C'mon, who is it?" Alya interrogated excitedly.

Marinette put her hand on Alya's shoulder to pacify her. "It's gorgeous, Kim. Whoever they are, they're going to be really lucky to have you."

"Well, technically she's still gotta accept it. So no guarantees." Kim pointed out. He gasped. "What if she says no?!"

"She won't!" Marinette suddenly shouted encouragingly. Everyone turned to her. "Don't hold back! Just go for it! Live your life without any what-ifs! I'm sure she won't rip your heart into a million tiny pieces or anything!"

"You're right! Thanks Mari!" Kim got pumped up.

"No problem. And hey, if it somehow doesn't work out, you can always just ask Max to be your valentine."

"Hm?" Max spun his head around.

"Now go get 'em!" Kim ran off into the sunset. Then he realized it was the middle of the day and there was no sunset and also he was going the wrong way, so he turned around and ran the correct direction instead.


"What are you doing here?" Chloe asked, annoyed.

"I...I..." Kim stuttered, trying to find the right words.

"You...you..." Chloe repeated mockingly.

Kim cleared his throat "Will you...be my valentine?" Kim asked as he got down on one knee. A few moments passed as Kim waited in anxious anticipation. Chloe snorted.

Chloe stopped herself and took in a breath. "Sorry, it's just that I would never da-" Chloe interrupted herself trying to suppress her laughter again. She took a deep breath in and breathed out calmly.

A few more seconds passed and she opened her eyes and looked at Kim again. She opened her mouth to speak and was immediately interrupted by her snorting again before she burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now