Jeez, Are These Discussions Ever Gonna End?

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"Do you ever wonder why all akuma victims say "Where am I?" Whenever they get de-akumatized?" Marinette asked.

She and Alya were sitting in their respective superhero-themed pajamas. How and why there was already merch of them, even though it had only been a month since they first started being superheroes, they had no idea.

Alya lay down on Marinette's lap, thoughtlessly scrolling through comments on her own blog. "Probably because they don't remember anything from when they were in their akumatized state."

"That's what I always thought, but then I realized: Several akuma victims had shown that they remember certain things from when they were akumatized. Like that Stormy Weather girl. I think Aurore was her name? She was able to remember trapping Mireille in ice, even after being de-akumatized."

Alya paused for a moment. She sat up. "Wait, what the fuck? You're right!"

"Language," Tikki half-heartedly scolded, having long since given up hope that these teenagers would listen to her.

Alya disregarded Tikki. "So why do they always ask "Where am I?" Whenever they go back to normal?"

"That's what I just asked! That's where this entire line of discussion started in the first place!" Marinette shouted.

Alya put her hand to her chin. "Maybe it's emotional whiplash thing. Maybe the transition between akumatized and de-akumatized is too jarring for them to fully remember what had just taken place."

"Maybe." Marinette thought that it was a pretty reasonable explanation. Before another word was spoken, footsteps could be heard coming up to Marinette's room. Tikki quickly zipped up to the top bunk of Marinette's bed. Trixx was fast asleep and remained exactly where they were on the floor.

Alya didn't have time to hide Trixx, so she quickly moved in front of the kwami to hide them from view right as Tom's head popped up through the door. "Hey, Marinette? Your mother and I were wondering when you were going to update that fanfiction of yours. It's been months and we're starting to get impatient."

"Oh, right! Sorry, papa. I'll get back on that sometime soon."

"Ok, love you." Tom closed the door and walked back down the stairs.

"You write fanfiction?"


"And your parents read it?"


"What was that?!" Tikki's voice came suddenly, waking up Trixx. "You could've been seen!"

"..But I wasn't," Trixx responded groggily, stretching their limbs.

"Wha-" Tikki sputtered, bewildered. She looked to Marinette and Alya for vindication over her concerns, receiving none. " doesn't matter if it actually happened or not! What matters is that it could have happened! And then what would we have done?"

"I dunno...they probably would've just lied about it or something. Alya's been getting really good at lying lately." Trixx stated proudly.

"Well...I wouldn't say that much.." Alya nervously looked away.

"Are you kidding? Just a few days ago, you convinced a police officer that you were his imaginary friend just so he wouldn't fine you for not having a metro ticket!" Trixx stated eagerly, stars in their eyes.

"Hey! No! That wasn't...." Alya quickly attempted to find a counterargument.

"Trixx!" Tikki interrupted. "Stop encouraging this! You know how you get w-" Tikki suddenly stopped herself mid-sentence.

Trixx's face fell quickly. "When I what?" Their eyes were no longer sparkling as they glared directly through Tikki.

Tikki was taken aback by this sudden shift. She looked around and saw Alya and Marinette staring at her. Tikki took a moment to collect herself. She took in a breath, held it for a moment, and exhaled calmly.

Tikki chose her words carefully. "You shouldn't be encouraging your wielder to deceive others. I know that deception is exactly what you were made for but this is...unbecoming as a kwami of your status."

"My status?" Trixx questioned, chuckling. "I was made to trick people. That's all I do, it's all I've ever been. We may be part of the same box, but that doesn't mean that I'm just as important as you. You may have big, important responsibilities and all that, but I'm just here to deceive."

"Wha-that's not true! I'm not any more important than you!" Tikki argued.

"You're the kwami of creation! What could possibly be more important than that?"

"I'm not...denying that the concept of creation is a very big and important thing! But that doesn't automatically make my existence any more important than yours!"

"We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for what you've accomplished!" Trixx shouted. "You've saved millions of lives on multiple occasions! What have I ever done that even comes close to that? Or any of us, for that matter! Are you honestly going to sit here and tell me that you're not the most important one in the room right now?"

"You-!" Tikki paused, attempting to think of a response. She steadied her breathing once again. She was never any good at arguing when she was angry.

Trixx waited. "Anything?" There was no response. Seconds passed, no response. Tikki continued to think, but still no response. Trixx sighed. "What a shocker. Who would've thought that making things temporarily look like other things actually wasn't as important as the concept of creation itself?"

Trixx looked back and realized that Marinette and Alya were staring at them. Trixx looked away disdainfully. "Whatever.." Trixx scoffed as they zipped into Alya's bookbag and refused to come out.

Alya and Marinette looked back to Tikki, who was currently looking down at the floor. None of the trio could think of anything to say to each other.

Marinette couldn't help but think back on her and Tikki's recent conversation. What the hell had Trixx gone through?

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