New Kit on the Block

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It had been a little over a few weeks since the five heroes had first been given the responsibility of protecting Paris.

They and all their newly acquired allies had slowly started settling into a routine. Defeating akumas had just become a part of their lives, and they were all okay with that.

Surprisingly enough, no accidental reveals had happened since the formation of TSFALBCNRRCAAQB. They had all become a lot more careful with what they said and did as superheroes. Who knew it only took like six or seven accidental reveals for someone to get good at keeping a secret?

And as it turned out, having other people who know your secret identity helps out when it comes to creating alibis.

Alya had created a blog dedicated to the new superhero team. With the help of her powers and the occasional help from her non-superhero allies, she had managed to sell the illusion that she was just a reporter who somehow managed to consistently get high-quality footage of the heroes in action.

She even managed to get personal interviews with all of them, something that no news station in Paris had accomplished yet. How she managed to do this remained a mystery to the entire city.

Eventually, the five of them finally met Master Fu, at which point they revealed their current situations regarding their fellow students who knew who they were.

Master Fu was, of course, unhappy with all of these new developments, but he had given up on predicting how things would go long ago.

He kept his word and stated that, so long as their secret identities did not put any of them in danger, they were allowed to continue as they pleased.

It was still an ongoing debate as to whether or not they should just rip off the band-aid and tell the whole class. But other than that, this whole superhero business was working out just fine for all of them.

Absolutely nothing was wrong.

As Marinette walked into the classroom, she saw a few students gathered in the back row, talking about something.

Marinette decided to check out the commotion.

"Hey, guys. What's going on?"

"Oh, there's a new student, remember?" Alya informed her.

Marinette vaguely recalled hearing about a student moving here from another country.

"Marinette, this is Lila. Lila, Marinette." Alya introduced the two girls.

"Hello." Marinette stuck out her left hand but then she saw the wrist brace on the girl's left hand, so she stuck out her right hand instead.

Lila shook her hand. "Hi, It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Alright, class. Everyone in your seats." Ms. Bustier walked into the room, interrupting the very important and very interesting conversation.

Everyone sat back down in their usual spots as she started talking.

"Now, as I'm sure you all know: We have a new student in class," Ms. Bustier gestured to the back of the room. "Lila Rossi."

The class looked back at Lila as she tepidly waved at them.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, turn to page 27 in your textbooks."

They all pulled out their copies of a textbook titled 'How to subtly let your students know that you hate them' and the class began.


A small group decided to sit with Lila at lunch to introduce her to her new school.

"So from what I hear, your mom is Italy's ambassador for relations with France and that's why you moved here?" Alya asked, somehow already knowing a fair bit about Lila's life. I guess when you're a school reporter, you don't have much else to do except research other students.

"Uh, yeah," Lila confirmed nonchalantly.

"Does that affect your life here in any way?" Alya asked, trying to get more information on the new girl.

"Uhhh, I guess I have diplomatic immunity now, so that's cool," Lila replied, sounding a bit bored with this conversation.

"What does that mean?" Adrien asked.

"It means she can commit any crimes that she wants to and not get arrested for it," Marinette answered. "So she could probably kill us and get away with it."

"Well, not exactly," Lila began. "It means that I cannot be persecuted for any crimes that I commit while I am in the "host country", aka France. However, the Italian government can revoke that privilege from me or my mother any time it wishes to, which would allow me to face persecution as a regular citizen would. So if I or my mother commits a serious offense, such as murder, we will most likely end up getting our diplomatic immunity revoked and be charged with murder anyway."

Everyone just stared at Lila.

" Although, I suppose I could probably get away with theft and other petty crimes without having my immunity revoked. So don't get on my bad side."

Nobody could tell whether or not Lila was joking because she sounded convincing as she said it.

Lila let her serious facade drop and laughed a bit to reassure them. Everyone let out a small sound of relief.

The moment was cut short as explosions could be heard outside of the school.

This was weird because, to the students' knowledge, there was nothing out there that should've been able to explode like that.

Oh well, at least it made for a nice scene transition.


"Ohoho, you'll never catch me!" Mr. Pigeon taunted the heroes once again.

The heroes in question had been chasing Mr. Pigeon all around Paris for over 15 minutes and still weren't any closer to catching him.

"How has he gotten faster this time?!" Carapace shouted, exhausted.

Queen Bee lay on the ground face-down, still not used to this much cardio.

Ladybug and Rena were chasing Mr. Pigeon back and forth in the same park for a while to no avail.

Chat was leaning against a tree, trying to refrain from vomiting and sneezing at the same time.

By this point, the civilians weren't even worried anymore and went about their business as usual.

Even Hawkmoth had gotten bored and decided to take a coffee break.

The only person paying attention to this overdramatic game of tag was Lila, who was just sitting on a bench, staring.

At first, it had been really exciting and scary at the same time for her. Back in Italy, she had recently heard a few stories about superheroes and supervillains in France, but she never believed that very much would come from them. It was pretty cool to see actual superpowers in action.

But now it just seemed kind of pathetic.

From the bits of conversation that she heard, she inferred that this wasn't the first time that they had fought this particular villain before. So she wondered why they didn't just do this.

"Pigeons suck!" Lila yelled as loud as she could.

"WHAT?!" Mr. Pigeon stopped mid-air and glared at Lila, giving Ladybug the few seconds that she needed to finally make contact with him and knock him off of his stand made of pigeons.

As soon as they both hit the ground, Ladybug grabbed his bird whistle, broke it in half, and captured the akuma in record time.

"What happened? Where am I?" Mr. Ramier asked, but Ladybug had already run off, too pissed to deal with anything other than getting out of there as quickly as possible. The other four heroes followed her trail at a considerably slower pace due to exhaustion.

Lila watched the heroine run away, her mind still reeling with questions that she assumed she would never find the answers to.

It was then that she realized she didn't know her way back to school.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now