Stormy Weather

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Marinette had concluded that being a babysitter was even harder than being a superhero. The last supervillain she fought was just like this, jumping all over the place while Marinette was desperately trying to catch them.

But at least she had a team of people helping her when she was fighting Mr. Pigeon. And she couldn't solve this one by outsmarting Manon either. Because it wasn't a battle of wits or strategy, it was a battle of energy. And this kid had all the energy in the world.

"Come on Manon! Give that back!" Marinette pleaded as she tried to get her hat back.

"But I wanna be a fashion designer too!" Marinette dove at her but Manon moved out of the way and she ended up face-planting on the couch.

"Come on! It's not finished and you're gonna ruin it!"

Marinette heard her giggling underneath the table and crawled to get at her. Manon was too quick once again and Marinette ended up bumping her head on the table. "Fuck!" Marinette slapped her hands over her mouth.

"Language! There's a child around!" Marinette quickly put Tikki back in her purse and resumed her pursuit.

Marinette looked around and couldn't see Manon anywhere. But then she noticed a silhouette behind the curtain. She smirked and carefully walked over to the window while making as little noise as possible. She slowly reached over to the curtain and yanked it open "Aha!"

Manon wasn't behind there but her hat was lying on top of one of Manon's dolls. She grabbed it and looked around once more, still trying to get her phone back from the child as well.

"I'm gonna vote for Mireille! She's the best!" Manon said, watching the competition for the new weather girl live on the television.

"Mine." Marinette declared, snatching her phone back from the little girl. Finally. Now she could relax for a bit.

Nevermind. Manon grabbed the hat out of her hands again while she wasn't paying attention. Marinette just sighed and gave up. Then she heard her doorbell ring.

Marinette opened the door and Alya was there to greet her. "Hey, Marinette! Adrien said he wanted us to meet up at the park to discuss something with us. 'You coming?"

"Sorry, I can't," Marinette sighed. "I promised my mom's friend Nadja that I would babysit her daughter today."

"Oh, that's no problem. We can just bring her with us. I'll watch over her while you and Nino get the report from Adrien and then you can relay it to me later."

Crashes could be heard in the other room, followed by childish giggling. "...Thanks, but I'm responsible for her. Besides, I couldn't do that to you she' absolute angel." Marinette said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, the sound of pots and pans being banged together could be very distinctly heard as Manon was running all around the apartment. "No! Manon put that down! Hey, come back here!"

After a little while, Marinette was slumped over wearily as she was practically dragging Manon over to Alya. "You don't have to worry about all that. I babysit my little sisters all the time, so I'm an expert at dealing with 'angels'." Alya assured her.

"Who are you anyway?" Manon angrily asked, looking up at Alya.

Alya crouched down to talk to her at eye level. "I'm a mythical unicorn from the world of Respa disguised as a totally fabulous human girl," Alya said, flipping her hair dramatically. "I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys who behave."

Manon giggled. "No, you're not!" She paused for a second. "...Are you?"

"Well, I guess the only way to find out is if you behave." Alya picked her up and flew her around as Manon giggled again. She placed her on top of Marinette's shoulders. "Alright! Let's get going!"

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now