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Things had been going pretty well recently, all things considered.

The four teenagers were superheroes now, Marinette had finally gained some self-confidence, Adrien's father suddenly had a change of heart and allowed him to go to school, Alya had a new topic to blog about, and Nino was Nino.

Nothing particularly wrong had happened. Except for one little thing.

When the four heroes jumped away the previous day, they settled down in an alleyway to say goodbye, neglecting to remember that Chat Noir had used his cataclysm and therefore only had five minutes before he changed back into his civilian form.

And that was exactly what had happened. In front of them all.

Rena and Carapace quickly recognized him as Adrien Agreste. Ladybug apparently had never even heard of him prior, but the fact that she knew his full name now was still bad.

Fortunately, they all agreed to keep his identity a secret. Unfortunately, he showed up at their school the next day.

He had no idea who they were, but they all knew who he was, making things really awkward for the three of them.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" Adrien asked Nino.

Nino was still in shock just seeing him in his class. Part of him wondered if Adrien had somehow known that he was Carapace. "Uhhh, no. You can sit there," Nino said, turning away.

"Thank you." Adrien sat down. "I'm Adrien," Adrien introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"I know," Nino said before he realized what was wrong with that. "I mean! Umm...Everyone kind of already knows who you are. Adrien Agreste, right?" Nino corrected, shaking his hand.

"Ah, yeah. You got me," Adrien admitted. "I guess it was kind of inevitable that some people would recognize me. This is my first time going to public school, by the way. I'm kind of excited."

"Oh, uhhh, cool?" Nino didn't know how to respond to that. Was he playing mind games with him or something?

Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya could only stare from directly behind the two of them. None of them had much time to process Adrien's presence in their classroom before Ms. Bustier walked in and started the class.

For most people, it was normal. The new kid was way too loud when stating "Present!" in roll call, Marinette was once again completely distracted and not paying attention to the class at all, Chloe was at her Chloe-est when she saw her best friend finally being allowed to go to school with her.

From an outsider's perspective, it was a somewhat strange but ultimately perfectly mundane day of school.

For three people in particular though, they felt as though their entire existence may as well be up for questioning.

For the entire period, Marinette, Alya, and Nino mentally drained themselves trying to figure out whether or not Adrien knew.

He acted in a very naive way the entire day, almost unnervingly so. This could either be chalked up to him being a rich kid who had never even been to a public school prior to today or to this all being an act and him just doing it to see if they would notice.

All of this combined with the ridiculous odds of his first ever time going to school being in the same exact class as one of the people to whom he had accidentally revealed his secret identity the day before, and they had the perfect formula for unbearable confusion and paranoia.

Finally; after an excruciatingly long school day full of nothing but an attempted Sherlock Holmes-level analysis into the new kid's inner psyche to see if he was messing with them, the day ended.

Adrien had been extremely uncomfortable the entire time. He assumed that everyone was staring at him weirdly because he was somehow messing up his first day of school really badly and they were just too polite to tell him off for it. So he walked out of the classroom as swiftly as he could, not hearing Chloe calling after him.

Marinette quickly got up and walked across the desks to follow him out the door.

Alya followed closely behind by walking around the desks like a normal person, being weirded out by Marinette's strange method of leaving the room but not thinking very much of it because she had a job to do.

Nino ran to catch up with Adrien after getting over his initial shock of Marinette literally stepping over him to get out the door.

Adrien was getting increasingly weirded out as he noticed three strangers following closely behind him out the door.. He was about to run down the stairs before he abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned around to face them. "Can I help you?" Adrien asked in practiced, polite tone.

The trio nearly tripped over themselves at the sudden roadblock. They all tried to think of something to say but came up with nothing. It was only then that they finally noticed their confidants also following Adrien and became even more confused.

Adrien's bodyguard honked his horn twice, signaling him to hurry up.

"Coming!" Adrien shouted before turning back to face them. "Whatever it is, can it wait until tomorrow?" Alya reacted quickly and nodded, not wanting to make him even more suspicious.

Adrien said his farewells and ran up to his ride as it started to rain.

The three left behind watched him ride off before looking at each other.

Marinette was the first to run off, then Alya, then Nino after a few minutes of trying to decipher any meaning behind that entire interaction.

They all had similar theories about one another, none of them wanting to put too much thought into it. Not that they had much of a choice.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now